This part will walk you through defining a cloud trigger in the deviceWISE Cloud to send (or publish) the data to BigQuery.

Each cloud trigger has an event type that identifies when the cloud trigger is executed, such as when a property is published to the deviceWISE Cloud, and one or more actions that contain the application logic, such as publishing that data to BigQuery.

Define a cloud trigger to publish to BigQuery

  1. Select the Developer navigation link, then from the left hand menu, select Triggers.

  2. The Triggers page will display the cloud triggers defined in the current organization.
  3. To define a new cloud trigger, select the New Trigger button in the upper right.
    The Adding Trigger page is displayed.
  4. Enter parameters for the new cloud trigger, including:
    NameEnter BigQuery - Power Data.
    DescriptionEnter an optional description for the cloud trigger.
    Event TypeSelect property.change.
    Thing KeyEnter homepower or the appropriate thing key for the thing that is publishing data to the M2M Service.
    OperatorSelect Always execute.
  5. Under the Actions section, select the plus icon next to Add Action.
    A new action section is listed, allowing the specific action to be selected and defined.
    A cloud trigger can have an unlimited number of actions. They are executed sequentially in the order that they are listed.
  6. In the new action's section for the action selection list, select bigquery.publish.
  7. Enter parameters for the bigquery.publish action, including:
    BigQuery Table IDEnter power.
    Include LocationSelect false
    Include AttributesSelect True
    Include PropertiesSelect True
  8. Select the Add button in the lower left of the page.
    The new BigQuery - Power Data trigger details page is displayed.
  9. Select the Start button to start your new cloud trigger.
  10. Select the Developer -> Triggers link to display the Triggers page and your the cloud trigger:

    The information displayed includes the cloud trigger name, the cloud trigger event type, the cloud triggers status and the Success count and Failure count.
    As the data is published to the deviceWISE Cloud and your cloud trigger executes, it will then publish the data using the defined BigQuery configuration and the Success count will increase.

You are ready for Part 4 - Verifying the data is present in BigQuery

Continue with BigQuery Part 4 - Verifying the data is present in BigQuery.