Firebase Part 3 - Accessing our public datasets
This part will walk you through the different public datasets that we publish from our live field demonstrations.
Our public dataset is available at The application receives all data that comes from the deviceWISE Cloud "thing" objects. You can access all of the current values for the attributes, alarms, locations, and properties in any of these objects. If you are looking for the historical data, you should check out the integration with Google BigQuery for historical queries.
To view the current data for the demo data, you can check out this link:
Sample Document
Here is a sample of the JSON document:
"DEMO": {
"things": {
"00900b17f958": {
"gateway": {
"appVersion": "1.0",
"dwPlatform": "Linux-X86-Generic",
"dwProduct": "DW-Gateway.Lanner",
"dwVersion": "14.2.0-014",
"make": "unknown",
"model": "unknown",
"remShell": false
"lastSeen": "2014-12-09T11:32:23.673393438Z",
"properties": {
"mbps_down": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T11:32:23.672Z",
"value": 0.046426
"mbps_up": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T04:08:03.672Z",
"value": 0.68726
"tunnelLatencies": {
"router-ap01": 833,
"router-eu01": 569,
"router-us01": 196
"updatedBy": "00900b17f958",
"updatedOn": "2014-12-06T15:54:10.082Z"
"12e692ba0f62": {
"gateway": {
"appVersion": "2.0",
"dwPlatform": "Linux-X86-Generic",
"dwProduct": "DW-Gateway.Linux",
"dwVersion": "14.2.0-014",
"make": "unknown",
"model": "unknown",
"remShell": false
"tunnelLatencies": {
"router-ap01": 826,
"router-eu01": 365,
"router-us01": 20
"updatedBy": "12e692ba0f62",
"updatedOn": "2014-12-08T14:33:09.211Z"
"352054050628750": {
"alarms": {
"engine": {
"msg": "",
"state": 0,
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:58.888Z"
"fuellevel": {
"msg": "",
"state": 3,
"ts": "2014-12-08T15:53:50.851Z"
"speed": {
"msg": "Engine has been stopped.",
"state": 4,
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:58.893Z"
"lastSeen": "2014-12-09T14:03:58.882742556Z",
"loc": {
"address": {
"city": "Gent",
"country": "BE",
"state": "Vlaanderen",
"street": "Edmond Helderweirdtstraat",
"streetNumber": "",
"zipCode": "9041"
"altitude": -0.7,
"corrId": "trip-20141209-13:38:43",
"delta": 113.75790742446934,
"fixAcc": 0,
"fixType": "GPS",
"heading": 93,
"id": "54870124aefed93e2f037afa",
"lat": 51.08456,
"lng": 3.77802,
"speed": 1,
"thingId": "538e118a5d80f11f080217fe",
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:16.481Z"
"locUpdated": "2014-12-09T14:03:16.481Z",
"properties": {
"fuelecon": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:59.001Z",
"value": 0
"fuellevel": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:01.84Z",
"value": 68.2
"odometer": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:01.761Z",
"value": 6989
"rpm": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:58.947Z",
"value": 0
"speed": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:58.899Z",
"value": 0
"speed_limit_delta": {
"ts": "2014-12-08T17:39:22.186Z",
"value": 0
"tripmiles": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:03:58.882Z",
"value": 6
"homehvac": {
"lastSeen": "2014-12-09T16:07:26.771449115Z",
"properties": {
"brhum": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T16:04:24.28Z",
"value": 45
"brlight": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T16:06:23.773Z",
"value": 11
"brtemp": {
"ts": "2014-12-08T06:46:26.773Z",
"value": 71.400002
"lrhum": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:59:16.408Z",
"value": 54
"lrlight": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T16:07:18.789Z",
"value": 39.799999
"lrtemp": {
"ts": "2014-12-08T20:03:29.284Z",
"value": 76.300003
"offhum": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T16:03:24.279Z",
"value": 41
"offlight": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T16:07:26.77Z",
"value": 118
"offtemp": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T04:30:29.283Z",
"value": 73.199997
"homepower": {
"alarms": {
"hvacrun": {
"msg": "",
"state": 0,
"ts": "2014-12-09T05:09:51.288Z"
"whrun": {
"msg": "",
"state": 0,
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:47:29.281Z"
"lastSeen": "2014-12-09T15:58:53.409257477Z",
"properties": {
"hvac": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:47:11.277Z",
"value": 3
"main": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:58:51.407Z",
"value": 638
"office": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T12:03:51.286Z",
"value": 245
"other": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:58:53.408Z",
"value": 272
"refrigerator": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:54:29.406Z",
"value": 136
"waterheater": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:47:29.28Z",
"value": 0
"homesprinkler": {
"alarms": {
"zone1": {
"msg": "",
"state": 0,
"ts": "2014-12-09T09:10:04.288Z"
"zone2": {
"msg": "",
"state": 0,
"ts": "2014-12-09T09:20:04.289Z"
"zone3": {
"msg": "",
"state": 0,
"ts": "2014-12-09T09:30:04.286Z"
"zone4": {
"msg": "",
"state": 0,
"ts": "2014-12-09T09:40:04.285Z"
"lastSeen": "2014-12-09T09:40:04.287769697Z"
"homeweather": {
"lastSeen": "2014-12-09T16:05:40.000125416Z",
"properties": {
"barometer": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:52:33Z",
"value": 30.032
"diff_temp": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:53:40.001Z",
"value": -11.300003
"inside_rh": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:00:28Z",
"value": 53
"inside_temp": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:01:23Z",
"value": 74
"outside_rh": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:56:39Z",
"value": 84
"outside_temp": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T15:53:39Z",
"value": 62.599998
"rain_rate": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T14:52:33Z",
"value": 0
"wind_dir": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T16:05:24Z",
"value": 279
"wind_speed": {
"ts": "2014-12-09T16:05:39Z",
"value": 3
"xerox6180": {
"lastSeen": "2014-12-06T15:54:31.472384526Z",
"properties": {
"printcolor": {
"ts": "2014-12-06T15:54:31.47Z",
"value": 3351
"supplyblack": {
"ts": "2014-12-06T15:54:31.519Z",
"value": 80
"supplycyan": {
"ts": "2014-12-06T15:54:31.518Z",
"value": 80
"supplymagenta": {
"ts": "2014-12-06T15:54:31.519Z",
"value": 100
"supplyyellow": {
"ts": "2014-12-06T15:54:31.519Z",
"value": 100
Understanding the JSON
The JSON structure matches the return from our thing.find API query, you can view information about the JSON here: thing.find
You have completed this guide
That completes this guide, demonstrating the powerful features available to collect data from the Internet of Things, filter and process that data as required, and publish the appropriate data from the deviceWISE Cloud to Firebase where it can be processed using their many libraries and tools for building real-time applications.
Continue onto What's next for additional resources to continue learning about the platform.