
Once the BACnet driver has been successfully installed, it is possible to scan for data points (channels) on a specified remote device. A channel acts as a basic building block of an OPC link with an unique adapter(IP) and a port. The BACnet tab in the Administration panel allows you to configure the channels. You will be able to configure 4 channels

Channel 0/Channel 1/Channel 2/Channel 3

Enter the following details for each channel up to 4 channels you want to connect:

Field Description
State Shows the state of the Channel. You will be able to start a channel after entering all the required information in the respective fields.
Enable Select Yes to enable the channel.
UDP Port Enter the UDP port of the channel.
BBMD Address BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD) Address
Local deviceWISE Device ID Enter the deviceWISE Device ID.
Apdu Timeout Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) Timeout
Apdu Segment Timeout Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) Segment Timeout.
Number of retries The number of retries to be made to connect to the device channel.
Write Priority Sets the default write priority value for all devices created on this channel. It is possible to use other priorities if the BACnet Priority Write action is used.

Device Scan

During commissioning the device scan is used to discover all BACnet devices on the network to automatically create a corresponding deviceWISE device. Only devices connected to the same segment, connected to a router on the same segment or connected to a BBMD will be discoverable using this method. When the device scan is initiated a BACnet WhoIs message is sent and for each IAm message received a deviceWISE device is created and started, if the option to start is set. After the deviceWISE device starts the variables are loaded from a JSON file, if it exists. Otherwise a new JSON file will be generated by reading from all of the objects within the device. The stored JSON file is used thereafter to populate the variables within the device. The variable names are structured to represent the objects within the device and all properties of each object are represented by a unique variable.

Field Description
Scan Channel 0 If it is set to No, the associated channel will not be scanned with you Scan the Network.
Scan Channel 1
Scan Channel 2
Scan Channel 3
Low Limit The device scan is limited to a single device or a range of devices using the High and Low Limit.
High Limit
Start BACnet devices when found If it is set to Yes, it will start the corresponding deviceWISE device when an IAm message is received.
Regenerate BACnet device variable tree when found If it is set to Yes, it will remove the existing JSON file and regenerate the file by reading from all of the devices within the device. When this is set to No, only new BACnet devices discovered on the network will be automatically added to deviceWISE.
Use static address bindings Enable or disable static address bindings. For more information on static address bindings, see BACnet / IP driver - Version 3.