Technology Preview Extension

This section describes the Technology Preview Extension, which is also referred to as the sandbox package. This extension provides trigger events and actions are that being developed and tested, but have not been migrated into the standard product component implementation.

The contents of the Technology Preview Extension will vary over time and between product platforms. If there are any question regarding the availability of these features, contact your support representative.


The following is assumed:

  • You have a Management Portal user ID and password and know how to log on. You need this to download the Enterprise Gateway installation files from the Management Portal.
    If you need a Management Portal account, see Creating the deviceWISE Cloud account.
  • If you received the Technology Preview Extension file from your support representative, you can skip the download steps and proceed with Adding the extension.

Obtaining the Technology Preview Extension file

Follow these steps to download the Technology Preview Extension file:

  1. Log on to the Management Portal, and then select Developer from the navigation links.
  2. Select Resources.
  3. From under Index of files, select the appropriate build (if you are not sure, pick the latest available build).
  4. Select the appropriate product platform, for example OS_Windows and then select Windows-32bit.
  5. Select Packages.
  6. Select Prototype for the list of the various prototype packages for that product platform.
  7. Select the dw.dwsandbox.Windows_NT.XXX.pkg file and download it to a temporary location.

Adding the extension

The Technology Preview Extension is delivered as a package that can be added and removed from a node. For more information on adding device drivers and extensions, see System administration > Packages.