deviceWISE Backup
The deviceWISE Backup Utility provides an alternative to using the Workbench's node backup feature for nodes accessed through a network scan.
You can download it from the Management Portal at: Developer -> Resources -> Build-Number -> Telit -> Workbench -> deviceWISE_Backup_Utility
The utility consists of a configurator used to configure what gets backed up and when, and execution programs to perform those backups on a schedule or on demand.
The configurator consists of the following:
- Configuration
- User – user name to use for login into the node
- Password – password for login
- Backup Directory – where to put backups
- Filename Format – Dynamic format to use for the backup file names, can include subdirectories. See section below.
- Example Format –An example of how a filename created by the defined format will look
- Backups to Retain –how many backup files to retain. Oldest files will be deleted
- Backup Mode – type of backup to perform:
- Zipped Database – deviceWISE configuration database files from the node placed into a zip file
- Export Backup – Equivalent to running a backup for a node using the Workbench. Produces a .dbk file that can be used by the Workbench Restore feature.
- Both Zipped and Export – Both of the above, will retain n of each as set by the "Backups to Retain" field.
- Windows Service - Available on Windows only. Shows status of the Windows service and allows user to modify the service:
- Start the service, including installing it if it is not already installed.
- Stop the service, it will remain installed;
- Uninstall the service.
- Schedule
- Use Internal Scheduler – Uncheck if you don't want scheduled backups or want to use an external scheduler to perform backups.
- Time – time of day to run the backup
- Day – one or more days when to run
- Week – which occurrence of day to run
- Month – months to run
- Node list
- Context menu available for performing some
actions (right click in list)
- Context menu available for performing some
actions (right click in list)
- Button Actions
- Scan – scan network for nodes;
- Save – save current settings, stored in "" in the same directory;
- Backup Now – run a backup of the listed nodes immediately;
- Close – close the configuration tool.
- Tools Menu
- Documentation – Open help documentation
- Show Diagnostic Log - Used for tracking results of a backup execution in the configurator.
- About - Product information
- Close – close the configuration tool.
On non-windows platforms the configurator can be launched using
Filename Format
The filename used for backups can be customized to include node as well as date and time information.
The format is fully editable, and some predefined formats are included:
Format | Result |
N-U-YYYYMMdd-hhmma | NODENAME-IP_IP_IP_IP-20180228-0159PM |
N-U/YYYYMMdd-HHmm | NODENAME-IP_IP_IP_IP/20180228-1359 |
YYYY/MM/dd/N-I_HHmm | 2018/02/28/NODENAME-IP.IP.IP.IP_1359 |
Filename formats should always include a time element and a node/ip element to ensure that filenames are unique between nodes and across multiple backups.
The full set of formatting characters is listed below. This table is also viewable as tooltip text for the format field.
All alphabetic characters are reserved for formatting purposes. Any custom plain text should be enclosed in single quotes as shown in the last predefined format example above.
Formatting characters
Character | Description | Example |
Start or end of quoted characters | 'MyFilePrefix'
IP Address Hostname | MyHostname
IP Address |
IP Address (underscore separator) | 127_0_0_1
Node/Gateway Name | My deviceWISE Node
Year | 2018 ; 18 |
Week year | 2009 ; 09 |
Month in year (context sensitive) | July ; Jul ;
07 |
Month in year (standalone form) | July ; Jul ;
07 |
Week in year | 27
Week in month | 2
Day in year | 189
Day in month | 10
Day of week in month | 2
Day name in week | Tuesday ;
Tue |
Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday) | 1
Am/pm marker | PM
Hour in day (0-23) | 0
Hour in day (1-24) | 24
Hour in am/pm (0-11) | 0
Hour in am/pm (1-12) | 12
Minute in hour | 30
Second in minute | 55
Millisecond | 978
Time zone | Pacific Standard Time ;
GMT-08:00 |
RFC 822 Time zone | -0800
ISO 8601 Time zone | -08 ; -0800 ;
-08:00 |
Era designator | AD
Performing Backups
Once a configuration has been saved, there are several options used to execute backups. The listed executables are for Windows platforms. Comparable scripts (*.sh) exist in the install directory for non-Windows platforms. Running on a non-windows platform requires a separate installation of Java 11 or higher.
Backup Run Now
Backup Run Now is found in the installation folder, named DWBackupRunNow.exe( for non-Windows platforms).
When run it will immediately execute the backups as defined in the configuration and stored in It will display the mode it is in, the nodes that will be backed up, and the status of the backup. It will then exit.
A schedule does not need to be configured to use this utility. This is useful if you want to use an external scheduler to schedule backups or simply run manually on demand.
Backup Console
Backup Console is found in the installation folder, named DWBackupConsole.exe( for non-Windows platforms).
When run it will schedule the backups as defined in the configuration and stored in It will display the mode it is in, the nodes that will be backed up, and when the next ten executions of the schedule will fire.
Note this program requires the command line it is run from to remain open for it to continue to run.
It may also be run with a single parameter runonce which will have the same effect as using the DWBackupRunNow utility.
It can also be run with a parameter kill, which will stop any running instance of the backup utility.
Backup Daemon - Non-Windows Platforms
Backup Daemon is found in the installation folder, called using It behaves the same as the backup console program, except that it executes in the background.
It does not require the command line window to remain open.
Logs of backup activity will be placed in the logs directory within the installation directory.