Cloud Connectors

Cloud Connectors are used to connect deviceWISE to your cloud services.

The following Cloud Connectors are available:

The release status of Cloud Connectors is categorized as Generally Available, Limited Availability, and Technology Preview. This status reflects the maturity and level of testing that has been completed. Below are definitions of the three categories:

Generally Available To qualify as a Generally Available transport, it must be extensively tested and then continually tested throughout the product lifecycle. Testing includes all supported platforms and specific business application versions where applicable. As it pertains to support, any problems found using one of the transports listed as Generally Available are considered to be fully covered under the support program.
Limited Availability Many transports have been created on behalf of our customers, and those transports can benefit you as well. These transports have been well tested, however, the scope of that testing has been limited to a select number of platforms and or specific customer scenarios. The testing is to ensure the transports in this category are functional, and meet the requirements for the specific customer, however, some functions supported by a particular enterprise application may not be included in the available transport.
As it pertains to support, transports listed under Limited Availability are not covered by the standard support agreement, and fixes or improvements to these transports are available through an independent support agreement or based upon works-for-hire contracts.

Technology Preview

This driver has been designed for specific use cases. While generally functional, it might lack certain features for broader purposes. Prior to implementation, we advise customers to thoroughly test the driver within their specific applications. Should adjustments be required, please reach out to your technical account manager for further support.