Atlas Copco driver
The Atlas Copco driver provides communication support for the Atlas Copco Power Focus, Tensor, and Power MACS controllers.
This guide describes how to use the Atlas Copco driver in conjunction with the runtime and the Workbench.
It is assumed that you have experience with the following:
- Power Focus, Tensor, and Power MACS controller architecture
- Power Focus, Tensor, and Power MACS controllers
- Atlas Copco naming conventions
- Open Protocol commands and naming conventions
- Atlas Copco Tools Talk Power Focus programming software
- Atlas Copco Power MACS WinTC Gold programming software
- The Workbench.
Before using information in this guide, you must have:
- Installed an Asset Gateway or Enterprise Gateway product in its operating environment
- The Workbench is installed on a computer that has TCP network connectivity to the node
- The Atlas Copco controllers have been configured and are accessible to the node via a TCP connection.
What's Inside