Adding actions using the Canvas Editor

The bottom of the right hand pane of New Trigger window provides the canvas or drawing area of the Canvas Editor.

The left hand pane provides an expandable list of actions that you can drag to the canvas area.
The same set of actions are available when using the List Editor.

Adding parameters to the action

Using the Canvas Editor, you can add actions to a trigger and then specify parameter values as follows:

  1. From the Canvas Editor left hand pane, expand a category (if necessary), and then select the action you want to place on the right hand pane canvas.

  2. Position the mouse cursor where you want the action block to appear, and then select with the left mouse button.
    For this example, the Set action statement appears.

  3. Double-click the action.
    A window for the action appears.

    Note that this is the same window that appears whenever you add an action using the List Editor.
  4. Specify each parameter value as appropriate, and then select close (X).
    The values appear on the action statement.

  5. To add more actions to the trigger, return to step 1.

Connecting actions

In the Canvas Editor, you draw the routes by connecting the output of one action to the input of another action. This operation makes it easy to visualize the logic flow in the trigger.

For this example, the operation begins with the Start statement.

Follow these steps:

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the Output point.

  2. When the output point turns yellow, drag the mouse pointer onto an input for the action.

  3. When the input point turns yellow, release the mouse button. The connection is made.

Ending an action

Every trigger must terminate with at least one End Execution action.

The Canvas Editor provides two end action execution path buttons from the toolbar.

Likewise, you can add an End Execution (Success) and End Execution (Failure) action from the Canvas Editor left hand pane under the Routing category as follows:

A trigger can have more than one End Execution, but it must have at least one. The following shows an action diagram configured with End Execution (Success) and End Execution (Failure) actions.

End Execution (Success)

End Execution (Success) signals that the trigger successfully ended. This route will immediately complete the trigger as a success. There must be at least one end action successfully route for the trigger to end successfully.

To add an End Execution (Success) action, follow these steps:

  1. From the Canvas Editor left hand pane under the Routing category, locate and then expand Routing, and then select End Execution (Success).

    You can also select from the toolbar.

  2. Drag to where you want the action to appear. The mouse pointer changes to a crossbar.
  3. Select again.
    The End Execution (Success) action appears on the right hand pane.

  4. Double-click the action.
    The End Execution (Success) window appears.

  5. You can accept the default value of zero for the Return Status parameter, or type a custom return code value to identify the successful completion of the action. A custom code enables you to identify where the success occurred in the trigger if there are numerous end success exits. When the trigger has reporting turned on, you can view the report (from the Reports tab) and then check the return status of the End Execution (Success) action. You can also manually run a report for the trigger.
  6. Close the window.

Once the trigger is saved and started, you can track its success using the project tab associated with the trigger.

End Execution (Failure)

End Execution (Failure) signals that the trigger ended with errors.

To add an End Execution (Failure) action, follow these steps:

  1. From the Canvas Editor left hand pane under the Routing category, locate and then expand Routing, and then select End Execution (Failure).

    You can also select from the toolbar.

  2. Drag to where you want the action to appear. The mouse pointer changes to a crossbar.
  3. Select again.
    The End Execution (Failure) action appears on the right hand pane.

  4. Double-click the action.
    The End Execution (Failure) window appears.

  5. You can accept the default value of zero for the Return Status parameter, or type a specific error code to identify the error. A custom error code enables you to identify where the error occurred in the trigger if there are numerous end error exits.
    When the trigger has reporting turned on, you can view the report (from the Reports tab) and then check the return status of the End Execution (Failure) action. You can also manually run a report should a failure become apparent on the Failures column for the trigger.
  6. Close the window.