Device Control

The Device Control action starts, stops or deletes a device.

Parameter descriptions

Parameter Description
Action Input Type There are two options:
Static — The specified device name cannot be changed unless you edit the trigger.
Dynamic — When you select Dynamic, an Input tab parameter lets you specify the device name in a string variable.
Operation The control operation option:
  • Start Device - This operation starts all the activity associated with a specific device. Keep the following in mind:
    Before the action executes, the state of the device (on the Workbench Devices tab) must be Stopped; otherwise, the trigger will fail.
  • Stop Device - This operation stops all the activity associated with a specific device. Keep the following in mind:
    Before the action executes, the state of the device (on the Workbench Devices tab) must be Started; otherwise, the trigger will fail.
    The Device Start and Device Stop actions are asynchronous. This means the action initiates a request for the device to start or stop. If you wish to start and stop a device within a single trigger, you should add a Wait action between the Device Start and the Device Stop actions with a duration suitable to allow the device to correctly change states. You can obtain an approximate value to use for this time by referring to the device start and device stop times available from the Status tab on the Devices tab in the Workbench.
  • Delete Device — When the trigger executes, the operation deletes a specific device. Before the action executes, the state of the device (on the Workbench Devices tab) must be Stopped; otherwise, the trigger will fail.
Device Name Available when the Action Input Type is Static. This is the name of the device that will be started, stopped, or deleted. The list displays the devices that have been defined on the node.

Input tab

Parameter Description
Device Name Available when the Action Input Type is Dynamic. This is the name of the device that will be started, stopped, or deleted.