Find Array Maximum

The Find Array Maximum action returns the maximum value for a range of array elements.

Parameter descriptions

The action provides these parameters:

Parameter Description
Data type The data type of the array elements. The list of the available data types for the node. For example, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, or INT1, INT2, INT4 and so forth.
Maximum number of elements The value indicates the maximum number of array elements that can be passed into the array variable. The maximum number of elements can be any size.

Input tab

Parameter Description
Input Array To find the maximum value within an array, the array must first be passed into the action. The starting element for the maximum calculation is entered in the Value column.
The values for Logical and Count columns will change based on the Data type and Maximum number of elements parameters specified in the action definition.
Input Count
The Input Count is the number of items actually passed into the action.
This number must be less than or equal to the maximum number of elements in the array. If the count exceeds the Maximum number of elements, an error will occur at runtime.

Output tab

Parameter Description
Max Value The maximum value of the array elements, based on the Input Array and Input Count parameters.
Index of Max Value
The index in the array for the maximum value of the array elements, based on the Input Array and Input Count parameters.
The index starts at zero for the first item in the array; thus, the maximum number is N-1 where N is the number of items in the array. The index is optional as you do not have to map the result.