Get Bit

The Get Bit action copies the value of a bit from a source variable.

Input tab

Parameter Description
Input Value The variable from which to get a bit value. The input variable can be of any data type. However, a STRING variable should not be used as the length of the string is embedded in the first 4 bytes.
Bit Number The position of the bit in the input variable, where 0 is the low-order bit position.

Output tab

Parameter Description
Bit Value Specifies the destination variable for the Bit Get action. The destination variable can be any type, but the value returned by the Get Bit action will always be a 0 or a 1.

Routing tab

The Routing tab has On Result options different from the standard Success and Failure routes:

Parameter Description
True The route to take when the returned bit value is 1.
False The route to take when the returned bit value is 0.
Failure The route to take if the action fails.

Example Get Bit

You can use the Get Bit action to retrieve the value of a bit in an integer variable (such as an INT2). Bit 0 always represents the least significant bit, and bit 15 represents the most significant bit.

The example Input tab shows how to get the value of bit 15 from D[10].

The Output tab is used to store the result in D[16]