Hash Map


The Hash Map category of actions allow you to store and retrieve the value of a variable based on groups and keys that are represented as strings. Optimized for performance, the hash map actions enables you to quickly create an internal object model for dynamic metadata that might be required by your application program.

It is important to understand that the hash map was designed to be very fast and to use in-memory persistence that is lost when the node is restarted. For information regarding a storage solution that will persist across node restarts, see Local Database.

Key features of the hash map

There is one global hash map within a given node.The hash map provides a group and key level as follows:

  • Group
    There can be one or more groups within the node. The group is the first level of organization and can be any string.
    Use a group when you want to iterate through a list of entries on the hash map. Because groups do not contain values, they cannot be directly searched for or listed.
  • Key
    The key is the second level of organization. Each key must be unique within its group. There can be one or more keys within each group.
    You can search for a single key, but the search will look for an exact match.

The following illustrates the components of a hash map:

Viewing the hash map

Once data is generated by the trigger, you can view or or delete the data contained in the hash map. The data becomes available from the Hash Map Variables tab.

The following shows an example hash map:

The Hash Map category provides these actions:

Related topics

Hash Map Variables

Local Database