Modify Attention Bit

The Modify Attention Bit action works in conjunction with the attention bit feature. The attention bit feature provides an attention mechanism that indicates the node is in an exception state. The state is reflected as follows:

  • The list of nodes in the left pane of the Workbench.
  • In the audit logs of the node.

You can set the attention bit manually or programmatically by using the Modify Attention Bit action or the Attention Bit tab from the Workbench Administration window. The following shows the Attention Bit tab available from the Workbench Administration window.

When a system condition is set to True from the Attention Bit tab, any trigger on the node that encounters the condition will cause the attention bit to be set. From the Attention Bit tab, you can also manually set or clear the attention bit.

Using the Modify Attention Bit action, you can also set or clear the attention bit when a condition is met for a specific trigger. This action is useful for tighter control over the type of application conditions that cause the bit to be set.

The Modify Attention Bit is available from the Trigger window as follows:

  1. From the Actions tab, click Add.

    The New Action window appears.
  2. Expand Internal, select Modify Attention Bit, and then click Add.
    The right pane changes to accommodate a Modify Attention Bit action.

Parameter description

This section describes the parameter values that can be set for a Modify Attention Bit action. Parameter names in bold are required.

There are two options available from the Operation drop-down list.

Set Sets the attention bit whenever the trigger's predefined condition occurs. 
Clear Clears the attention bit on the node. 


You can write descriptive text that will appear in the audit log when the attention bit is set or cleared.

The message could be used to identify the cause of the exception or problem.

Example trigger - set alert

You can create a trigger to alert a user that a transport has lost its connection to the enterprise system and any new transactions will be sent to a store and forward queue. This example describes how to create the trigger and set actions that alert the user of a problem.

Transport map and store and forward
The example assumes that a transport and transport map were created. The transport associated with the transport map has store and forward enabled as shown.

Sample trigger
The following shows the upper portion of the sample Trigger window. A data event is selected as the trigger type. The event is based on a PLC device variable condition.

This trigger will execute whenever a PLC device variable's value changes, and then execute the first action within the trigger which is a Transaction action.

The second action is a Modify Attention Bit, with the Operation parameter set to Set.

Sample Transaction action Routing tab
When the trigger executes, the transaction will go into store and forward, and then continue to the next route which will trigger the Modify Attention Bit Set operation.

The Modify Attention Bit Set operation turns on the attention bit on the node.

In addition, a message is recorded in the audit log that the trigger is in a store and forward mode.

When the Modify Attention Bit Set operation completes, the action is considered successful and trigger execution ends.

Example trigger - clear alert

This example describes a trigger that will clear any alert that might have occurred during the day. The trigger is scheduled to execute every day at 11:59 P.M.
The following shows the upper portion of the sample Trigger window. A schedule event is selected as the trigger type.

The trigger will execute every day at 11:59 P.M. At that time, the Modify Attention Bit Clear operation will execute.

The Modify Attention Bit Clear operation turns off the attention bit on the node.

In addition, a message is recorded in the audit log that the attention bit has been cleared.

When the Clear operation completes, the action is considered successful and trigger execution ends.