Trigger Control

The Trigger Control action starts, stops, or deletes a trigger.

Parameter descriptions

Parameter Description
Action Input Type The options are:
  • Static - The Project Name and Trigger Name parameters become available.
  • Dynamic - The Input tab Project Name and Trigger Name parameters become available.
Operation The options are:
  • Start Trigger - The target trigger must be in a Stopped state. The trigger is started. In order for a trigger to execute, its state must be Started and its project state must be Started. This puts the trigger in a Loaded status.
  • Stop Trigger - The target trigger must be in a Started state. The trigger is stopped. The trigger will not be able to be executed.
  • Delete Trigger - The target trigger must be in a Stopped state. The triggers is deleted from the node.
Project Name Available when Action Input Type is Static.
Select a project from the list of all projects on the current node. The project where the target trigger resides.
The selection ==Current Project== can be used to indicate the project that this calling trigger resides in.

Trigger name Available when Action Input Type is Static.
Select the trigger to control.

Input tab

When you select Dynamic for the Action Input Type option, an Input tab appears:

Parameter Description
Project Name The project where the trigger to control resides.
Trigger Name The trigger to control