
The attribute.history command is used to obtain historical attribute data for a thing.

Attribute history can be requested by specifying:

  • A definite time period using a start and end date
  • A time period defined by the "last period of time" style query (last "24h", etc.)
  • A last number of records

TR50 Request

// Definite time period request
  "1": {
    "command": "attribute.history",
    "params": {
      "thingKey": "mything",
      "key": "myattr",
      "start": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "end": "2014-01-31T23:59:59Z"
// Last period of time request
  "1": {
    "command": "attribute.history",
    "params": {
      "thingKey": "mything",
      "key": "myattr",
      "last": "24h"
// Last number of records request
  "1": {
    "command": "attribute.history",
    "params": {
      "thingKey": "mything",
      "key": "myattr",
      "records": 100

Request Parameters


Type Required


thingKey String Yes* Key of the thing.
thingId String Id of the thing.
esn String ESN of the thing.
iccid String ICCID of the thing.
imei String IMEI of the thing.
imsi String IMSI of the thing.
meid String MEID of the thing.
msisdn String MSISDN of the thing.
*One of the above parameters is required to identify the thing. The parameter identifies the thing to which the alarm data is associated. If omitted, the thingKey associated with your session will be used.
key String Yes The key for the attribute that you wish to publish.
split Bool Set to true if you want the timestamp and value fields to be split into two arrays
start String When doing a definite time period request this is the timestamp for the start of the specified time window.
end String When doing a definite time period request this is the timestamp for the end of the specified time window.
last String When doing a last period of time request this specifies the last X amount of time in seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), or days (d).
offset Integer The starting list offset, used for pagination. Defaults to 0 if not specified. The maximum offset you can set is 5000
limit Integer Limit the number of results returned. The maximum limit you can set is 5000.
sort String A string indicated the direction (+ for ascending, - for descending) and column to sort the results by. To sort by the value descending, use "-value".
records Integer When doing a last number of records request this specifies the number of records to return. A value of zero returns the global maximum number of records.
returnIds Bool Returns the id of the attributes.
showMillis Bool Returns the ts with milliseconds.

If the command is sent successfully a success message and the attribute values found are returned. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

The number of records returned is limited to 5000 by the deviceWISE Cloud. If your query returns more results than the limit of the deviceWISE Cloud, you should shorten your time window or lower the number of records you are requesting.

TR50 Response
  "1": {
    "success": true,
    "params": {
      "values": [
          "value": "attribute value 1",
          "ts": "2014-01-01T01:01:01Z"
          "value": "attribute value 2",
          "ts": "2014-01-01T01:11:02Z"
          "value": "attribute value 3",
          "ts": "2014-01-01T01:22:01Z"
// "split" response example
  "cmd": {
    "success": true,
    "params": {
      "values": [
        "attribute value 1",
        "attribute value 2",
        "attribute value 3"
      "timestamps": [
      "corrIds": [

Response Parameters

The attribute.history response can be either:

  • Values array with the following parameters
Name Type Description
id String The id of the attribute (if returnIds is set to true)
value Integer The value for the given timestamp.
ts String Timestamp for the given value.
corrId String The correlation identifier associated with the attribute.
  • Multiple arrays: when the split request parameter is set to true
Name Type Description
ids Array Array of ids (if returnIds is set to true)
values Array Array of values
timestamps Array Array of timestamps
corrIds Array Array of correlation IDs.

The attribute.history response can also contain the following key:

Name Type Description
truncated Boolean If this value is in the response, it will be true. It is defined if the number of possible records is equal to or greater than the maximum configured.