
The cdp.config.find command is used to retrieve a CDP configuration.

Requires Org-Admin rights.

TR50 Request

  "cmd" : {
    "command": "cdp.config.find",
    "params": {
      "id": "56asdfqn4bqer12452b2454"

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
id String Yes The identifier of the CDP.

TR50 Response

If the command is sent successfully a success message and the CDP configuration is returned. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

The response array will contain additional configuration information specific to the CDP type. The list of CDP configuration fields is available via cdp.config.desc.

  "cmd": {
    "success": true,
    "params": {
      "id": "55914c7c74e00c48b400001b",
      "name": "Jasper CDP",
      "status": "error",
      "error": "",
      "connections": 0,
      "carrier": "AT&T",
      "type": "jasper",
      "lastSync": "2017-04-29T09:47:40.09-04:00",
      "username": "",
      "licenseKey": "licensekey",
      "ratePlans": [
      "networks": {
        "111": {
          "networkId": 111,
          "networkCode": "AT:3G:DAT",
          "networkName": "at&t Data",
          "supportedStates": [
            0: "unknown",
            1: "unknown"
          "ratePlans": {
            2222: {
              "planId": 2222,
              "networkId": 111,
              "planCode": "ATEV5MB",
              "planName": "5MB Eval Plan"
      "createdBy": "",
      "createdOn": "2015-06-29T09:47:40.09-04:00",
      "updatedBy": "",
      "updatedOn": "2015-06-29T09:47:40.09-04:00"

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
id String The id of the CDP.
name String The name of the CDP.
status String The synchronization status of the CDP (synchronized, synchronizing or error).
error String Any error messages associated with the CDP synchronization.
connections Integer The number of connections associated with the CDP.
carrier String The cellular carrier.
type String The CDP type.
lastSync String The timestamp when the CDP was last synchronized.
locked Boolean If set to true, only super-ops users are able to modify this config.
ratePlans Array Array of rate plan objects.
networks Array Array of networks
switchEnabled Boolean If switch is enabled it will return true. If it is not enabled it won't return anything.
createdBy String The email address of the user who created the CDP.
createdOn String The date and time that the CDP was created.
updatedBy String The email address of the user who last updated the CDP.
updatedOn String The date and time that the CDP was updated.

Networks Parameters

Name Type Description
networkId Integer The identifier of the network
networkCode String The code of the network.
networkName String The name of the network.
supportedStates Array The connection states supported by the CDP.
ratePlans Array An array of supported rate plans.
Network RatePlan Parameters
Name Type Description
planId Integer The identifier of the rate plan.
networkId Integer The network of the rate plan.
planCode String The code of the rate plan.
planName String The name of the rate plan.