
The campaign.find command is used to find and return a campaign.

TR50 Request
  "cmd": {
    "command": "campaign.find",
    "params": {
      "id": "537a3fa6d15a702de0000007"

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
id String Yes The unique identifier of the campaign to find.

If the command is sent successfully a success message is returned. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

TR50 Response
    "cmd": {
        "success": true,
        "params": {
            "id": "5b081429fe2a13515877b452",
            "orgId": "594ab4fefe2a1316f2d81fb0",
            "name": "FOTA101",
            "eventType": "campaign.thing",
            "actions": {
                "1": {
                    "type": "thing.firmware.target_version_set",
                    "params": {
                        "targetVersion": "30.00.006",
                        "thingKey": "$(event.thing.key)",
                        "waitForCompletion": true
            "firstAction": "1",
            "maxInProgress": 100,
            "status": "new",
            "ts": "2018-05-25T13:48:25.764Z",
            "startedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "completedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "summary": {
                "ready": 230,
                "inProgress": 0,
                "success": 0,
                "failure": 0
              "emailUpdates": {
                "sendTo": "",
                "enableDaily": true
                "enableEndNotice": true
            "createdBy": "",
            "createdOn": "2018-05-25T13:48:25.764Z",
            "updatedBy": "",
            "updatedOn": "2018-05-25T13:58:04.954Z"

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
id String The unique identifier of the campaign.
OrgId String The ID of the org.
name String The name of the campaign.
desc String The description of the trigger.
eventType String Campaign.connection - Campaign.connection runs on a set of connections
Campaign.thing -  Campaign.thing runs on a set of things
actions Array Array of action objects. For more information, see table below. Parameters depend on each action's type.
task String The task type of the campaign.
firstAction String Identifier of the first action that takes place.
canvas Array  The canvas contains positioning information event and the success/failure ends.
maxInProgress Integer The maximum number of campaign members that execute at a time.
status String new: The Campaign has been never scheduled or started
scheduled: The Campaign is scheduled
running: The Campaign has started.
completed: The Campaign is completed.
ts String The timestamp of execution of the campaign
startedOn Timestamp Set once the campaign begins running.
stoppedOn Timestamp The date & time when the campaign was last completed, paused or canceled.
completedOn Timestamp Set once the campaign completes.
Summary Integer ready: The number of tasked Things that remain queued for execution.
inProgress: The number of tasked Things that are in progress.
success: The number of tasked Things that have completed successfully.
failed: The number of tasked Things that have failed during execution.
emailUpdates String SendTo: Email addresses to notify
enableDaily: Enables daily campaign updates
enableEndNotice: Enables end of Campaign notification when a campaign completes
createdBy String  The creator of the campaign.
createdOn String The creation timestamp of the campaign.
updatedBy String The updater of the campaign.
updatedOn String The update timestamp of the campaign.

Action Object

Name Type Description
type String Action type.
params Array A set of named parameters for the action. This will vary by action.
canvas Array Canvas information where the action is placed.
routes Array Where the success and failure points go.