
The lora.device.downlink.flush command is used to flush the queued downlink messages.

TR50 Request


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
deviceEui String Yes* The value of the deviceEui field of the LoRa device.
thingId String The ID of the Thing that is related to the LoRa device.
thingKey String The thingKey of the device.
esn String The ESN of the device.
iccid String The ICCID of the device.
imei String The IMEI of the device.
imsi String The IMSI of the device.
meid String The MEID of the device.
msisdn String The MSISDN of the device.
*One of the above fields must be used to identify the device.

TR50 Response

If the command is sent successfully a success message is returned. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

  "1" {
       "success": true

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