
The module.tr50.query command is used to query the TR50 settings. The module can be identified by thingKey, ESN, ICCID, IMEI, IMSI, MEID, or MSISDN. Only one of these identifying fields is required.

TR50 Request

  "cmd": {
    "command": "module.tr50.query",
    "params": {
      "thingKey": "mything",
      "mode": "tr50"

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description

Thing Identifier Parameters Yes Identifies the thing to which the module call is to be directed. See Thing Identifier Parameters table below for supported parameters.
mode String The mode to send the command ('tr50' or 'sms').

Thing Identifier Parameters

Name Type Description
thingKey String Key of the thing
thingId String Id of the thing
esn String Esn of the thing
iccid String Iccid of the thing
imei String Imei of the thing
imsi String Imsi of the thing
meid String Meid of the thing
msisdn String Msisdn of the thing

TR50 Response

If the command is sent successfully a success message is returned and other variable information. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

  "cmd": {
    "success": true,
    "params": {
      "server": "server",
      "appToken": "*********asdf",
      "heartbeat": 1,
      "started": true,
      "connected": true,
      "status": 1,
      "latency": 1,
      "packetsIn": 1,
      "packetsOut": 1,
      "bytesIn": 1,
      "bytesOut": 1

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
server String
appToken String
heartbeat Integer
started Boolean
connected Boolean
status Integer
latency Integer
packetsIn Integer
packetsOut Integer
bytesIn Integer
bytesOut Integer