This section describes how to use the common worker functions available to interact with the deviceWISE Cloud.  The API groups and API functions are listed below. By selecting the link provided on the function, you'll be redirected to the equivalent function description provided by the M2M Service interface and a more detailed description of each TR50 Java API and usage examples.

TR50 Alarm

Class DwOpenAlarm

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenGeneric
      • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenAlarm


Modifier and Type Method and Description
int publish(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String timestamp, java.lang.String corrId, java.lang.String key, int state, java.lang.String message,DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int publish(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String timestamp, java.lang.String corrId, java.lang.String key, int state, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object response) 

TR50 Property

Class DwOpenProperty

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenGeneric
      • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenProperty


Modifier and Type Method and Description
int current(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String propKey, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int current(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String propKey, java.lang.Object response) 
int publish(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String timestamp, java.lang.String propKey, double propValue, java.lang.String corrId,DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 

publish(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String timestamp, java.lang.String propKey, double propValue, java.lang.String corrId, java.lang.Object response) 

TR50 Location

Class DwOpenLocation

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenGeneric
      • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenLocation


Modifier and Type Method and Description
int publish(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String timestamp, java.lang.String corrId, java.lang.Double lat, java.lang.Double lng, java.lang.Double heading, java.lang.Double altitude, java.lang.Double speed, java.lang.Double fixAcc, java.lang.String fixType, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int publish(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String timestamp, java.lang.String corrId, java.lang.Double lat, java.lang.Double lng, java.lang.Double heading, java.lang.Double altitude, java.lang.Double speed, java.lang.Double fixAcc, java.lang.String fixType, java.lang.Object response) 

TR50 Log

Class DwOpenLog

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenGeneric
      • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenLog


Modifier and Type Method and Description
int publish(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String ts, java.lang.Integer level, java.lang.String corrId, java.lang.String msg,DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int publish(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String ts, java.lang.Integer level, java.lang.String corrId, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Object response) 

TR50 Thing

Class DwOpenThing

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenGeneric
      • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenThing


Modifier and Type Method and Description
int attributeGet(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String attrKey, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response)
int attributeGet(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String attrKey, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response)
int attributeSet(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String attrKey, java.lang.String attrValue, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int attributeSet(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String attrKey, java.lang.String attrValue, java.lang.Object response) 
int attributeUnset(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String attrKey, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int attributeUnset(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String attrKey, java.lang.Object response) 
int bind(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String autoDefKey, java.lang.Object response) 
int bind(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String autoDefKey, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int tagAdd(java.lang.String[] thingKey,  DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response, java.lang.String... tags) 
int tagAdd(java.lang.String[] thingKey, java.lang.Object response, java.lang.String... tags) 
int tagAdd(java.lang.String[] thingKey, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> tags, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int tagAdd(java.lang.String[] thingKey, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> tags, java.lang.Object response) 
int tagDelete(java.lang.String[] thingKey,  DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response, java.lang.String... tags) 
int tagDelete(java.lang.String[] thingKey, java.lang.Object response, java.lang.String... tags) 
int tagDelete(java.lang.String[] thingKey, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> tags, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int tagDelete(java.lang.String[] thingKey, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> tags, java.lang.Object response) 
int unbind(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object response) 
int unbind(java.lang.String key, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 

TR50 Mailbox (Client)

Class DwOpenMailbox

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenGeneric
      • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenMailbox


Modifier and Type Method and Description
int send(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String command, DwOpenCommandParam params, java.lang.Integer ackTimeout, java.lang.Boolean singleton,DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int send(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String command, DwOpenCommandParam params, java.lang.Integer ackTimeout, java.lang.Boolean singleton, java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.Object response) 
int send(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String command, DwOpenCommandParam params, java.lang.Integer ackTimeout, java.lang.Boolean singleton,DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 
int send(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String command, DwOpenCommandParam params, java.lang.Integer ackTimeout, java.lang.Boolean singleton, java.lang.Object response) 

TR50 Method (Client)

Class DwOpenMethod

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenGeneric
      • com.devicewise.tr50.api.DwOpenMethod


Modifier and Type Method and Description
int exec(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String method, java.lang.Boolean singleton, java.lang.Integer ackTimeout, java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object> params, java.lang.Object response) 
int exec(java.lang.String thingKey, java.lang.String method, java.lang.Boolean singleton, java.lang.Integer ackTimeout, java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object> params, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, java.lang.Object response) 

TR50 Response Handling

Two generic helper response classes are available to every API function in the worker library. These are DwOpenResponse and StringReply, which can be passed in to each worker API function (synchronous or asynchronous) to get the response for each TR50 message that is sent to the deviceWISE Cloud Handler. The StringReply object is a wrapper object that returns the TR50 response in JSON format from the deviceWISE Cloud. The DwOpenResponse is a generic response object that collects and parses the JSON formatted TR50 response message with helper functions that return the success or failure status of the TR50 API call, along with error messages/error codes if any, returned specifically by the deviceWISE Cloud. Any Worker API function will accept these two objects as its 'java.lang.Object response' parameter. This is an output parameter that will return the result of the TR50 API call.

In addition, each worker API returns an int which is an internal API error (non-TR50) for any error that occurs within the API library itself or the client protocol (MQTT or HTTP). This is different from the error codes returned by the deviceWISE Cloud APIs which is available generically in the DwOpenResponse object. Examples of these include, JSON parser errors, MQTT connect errors or invalid/null parameters supplied to the worker function.

In addition to the two generic response objects mentioned above, each API call, pertaining to the level of detail of the TR50 response message from the deviceWISE Cloud, has additional helper response objects that can be passed in as the 'java.lang.Object response' out parameter to parse additional reply parameters returned by the M2M Service. For a complete listing of these helper response objects for each worker function please refer to the above links to each API function. These helper response objects extend the generic DwOpenResponse object and its helper functions.


  • All helper response objects must be initialized before passing them in as a 'java.lang.Object response' parameter to the worker function.
  • StringReply when used as a  'java.lang.Object response' parameter returns the TR50 reply message in JSON (string) format. No parsing of the response message is done.

Class StringReply

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.helpers.StringReply


Constructor and Description

StringReply() - Initializes the StringReply response Object. This constructor must be called before passing in the object as an out parameter to any API function.


Modifier and Type Method and Description
java.lang.String getValue() 
void setValue(java.lang.String val) 

Class DwOpenResponse

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.response.DwOpenGenericResponse
      • com.devicewise.tr50.api.response.DwOpenResponse


Constructor and Description
DwOpenResponse() - Initializes the DwOpenResponse Object. This constructor must be called before passing in the object as an out parameter to any API function.


Modifier and Type Method and Description
void parseResponse(java.lang.String json) 

Methods inherited from class DwOpenGenericResponse

See table below.

Class DwOpenGenericResponse

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.api.response.DwOpenGenericResponse


Modifier and Type Method and Description
java.lang.String getCorrId() 
java.lang.String getJsonResponse() 
boolean isSuccess() 
void parseCustomResponse(java.lang.String json) 
void parseGenericResponse(java.lang.String json) 
void parseResponse(java.lang.String json) 
void parseResponse(java.lang.String corrId, java.lang.String json) 
void setCorrId(java.lang.String corrId) 
void setErrorCodes(int[] errorCode) 
void setErrorMessages(java.lang.String[] errorMessages) 
void setJsonResponse(java.lang.String response) 
void setSuccess(boolean success) 

Usage Examples

Synchronous Worker API Example
public void tr50ReponseHandlingExamples(){
    DwMqttClient client = new DwMqttClient();
    client.initialize(MqttConstants.DEFAULT_MQTTHOST, true, "tr50_client_id");
    StringReply replyString = new StringReply();                               //initialize String helper response Object
    DwOpenResponse respGen = new DwOpenResponse();                             //initialize Generic helper response Object
    DwOpenLocationEncodeDecode respExt = new DwOpenLocationEncodeDecode();     //initialize response Object
    // api call with string helper response object. No parsing of response JSON
    client.getWorker().Location().publish("myThingKey", TimeFormatter.toRFC3339(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())), "zzz1", 30.455, -84.253333, 10.0, 15.2,30.1,5.3,"fixType", replyString);
    // api call with generic helper response object. Basic parsing of response JSON
    client.getWorker().Location().publish("myThingKey", TimeFormatter.toRFC3339(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())), "corrId", 30.455, -84.253333, 10.0, 15.2,30.1,5.3,"fixType", respGen);
    // api call with extender helper response object. Extended parsing of response JSON
    client.getWorker().Location().decode(30.455, -84.253333, respExt);        
    System.out.println("JSON Response from deviceWISE Cloud for Location Publish = "+replyString.getValue());
       System.out.println("TR50 Location Publish API Call Successful!");
       System.out.println("TR50 Location Publish API Call Failed with Error Message: "+respGen.getErrormessages()[0]+" Error Code: "+respGen.getErrorcodes()[0]);
       System.out.println("TR50 Location Decode API Call Successful!");
       System.out.println("Location Latitude  = "+respExt.getLat());           //additional response helper functions available over generic DwOpenResponse helper functions
       System.out.println("Location Longitude = "+respExt.getLng());
       System.out.println("Location City      = "+respExt.getAddress().getCity());
       System.out.println("Location State     = "+respExt.getAddress().getState());
       System.out.println("Location Country   = "+respExt.getAddress().getCountry());
       System.out.println("TR50 Location Decode API Call Failed with Error Message: "+respExt.getErrormessages()[0]+" Error Code: "+respExt.getErrorcodes()[0]);
Asynchronous Worker API Example
public class DwOpenWorkerAsyncExample implements DwOpenReceiveActionListener, DwOpenSendActionListener, DwOpenDisconnectActionListener {
	public void tr50AsyncWorkerAPIExamples() throws IOException, DwOpenException, MqttException, InterruptedException {
		DwMqttClient client = new DwMqttClient();
		client.initialize(MqttConstants.DEFAULT_MQTTHOST, true, "tr50_client_id");
		client.authenticate("mythingkey", "myapptoken");

		client.registerDisconnectActionListener(this); //register for callbacks

		synchronized(this) {
			// api call with string helper response object. No parsing of response JSON
			client.getWorker().Location().publish("myThingKey", TimeFormatter.toRFC3339(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())), "zzz1", 30.455, -84.253333, 10.0, 15.2, 30.1, 5.3, "fixType", this, new StringReply());

			// api call with generic helper response object. Basic parsing of response JSON
			client.getWorker().Location().publish("myThingKey", TimeFormatter.toRFC3339(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())), "corrId", 30.455, -84.253333, 10.0, 15.2, 30.1, 5.3, "fixType", this, new DwOpenResponse());

			// api call with extender helper response object. Extended parsing of response JSON
			client.getWorker().Location().decode(30.455, -84.253333, this, new DwOpenLocationEncodeDecode());


			public void onDisconnect(DwClient source, Throwable cause) {
				// TR50 disconnect handler

			public void onSend(DwClient source, int responseCode, Throwable cause, DwPacket packet) {
				// send TR50 message handler
			@Override //handle response callbacks from async calls
			public void onReceive(DwClient source, int responseCode, Throwable cause, DwPacket packet, Object response) {
			synchronized(this) {
				if (response instanceof StringReply)
				System.out.println("JSON Response from deviceWISE Cloud for Location Publish = " + ((StringReply) response).getValue());

			else if (response instanceof DwOpenResponse) {
			DwOpenResponse respGen = (DwOpenResponse) response;
		if (respGen.isSuccess())
			System.out.println("TR50 Location Publish API Call Successful!");
			System.out.println("TR50 Location Publish API Call Failed with Error Message: " + respGen.getErrormessages()[0] + " Error Code: " + respGen.getErrorcodes()[0]);
				} else if (response instanceof DwOpenLocationEncodeDecode) {
			DwOpenLocationEncodeDecode respExt = (DwOpenLocationEncodeDecode) response;

		if (respExt.isSuccess()) {
			System.out.println("TR50 Location Decode API Call Successful!");
			System.out.println("Location Latitude  = " + respExt.getLat()); //additional response helper functions available over generic DwOpenResponse helper functions
			System.out.println("Location Longitude = " + respExt.getLng());
			System.out.println("Location City      = " + respExt.getAddress().getCity());
			System.out.println("Location State     = " + respExt.getAddress().getState());
			System.out.println("Location Country   = " + respExt.getAddress().getCountry());
			} else {
			System.out.println("TR50 Location Decode API Call Failed with Error Message: " + respExt.getErrormessages()[0] + " Error Code: " + respExt.getErrorcodes()[0]);

TR50 Mailbox/Method Handling (Server)

The TR50 Java Library handles incoming Mailbox items via listeners. A generic DwOpenMailboxEventListener interface allows for any Java class that implements this interface to receive all incoming mailbox items with no filter. A more custom DwOpenMailboxCommandListener abstract class allows for any Java class that extends this class to filter on a mailbox item command key, so an instance of the Java class will only receive mailbox items whose command key matches its own. A more custom implementation of the MailboxCommandListener class is the DwOpenMethodCallback abstract class. Any instance of a Java class (TR50 Method) that extends this class will receive mailbox items whose command key is "method.exec".

Each of the above mailbox listener implementations has an OnRecv() callback function that receives the mailbox message. In case of the DwOpenMethodCallback class, the OnRecv() callback function has additional logic to filter on the method key of the mailbox method event. If the method key of a mailbox message (that is of type "method.exec") matches the method key of an instance of DwOpenMethodCallback, the executeMethod() function for that instance is called with input parameters  that are supplied to it in the incoming mailbox message (if any). An additional OnMethodAckFailure() is called if the method fails to successfully ack (mailbox.ack) the response from the function after a maximum number of retry attempts.


  • Each of the three mailbox listener implementations - MailboxEventListener, MailboxCommandListener and DwOpenMethodCallback objects must be registered with the TR50 client object (session) to receive mailbox message events via their respective callback functions. The functions to register the callback objects are listed in the DwClient APIs -Methods
  • The instance of MailboxCommandListener has to be registered with a valid command key parameter while the instance of DwOpenMethodCallback has to be registered with a valid method key parameter to receive callbacks. 
  • Only one type of command key (other than method.exec) and one type of method key can be registered with the same client object.
  • At least one implementation of a mailbox event listener must ack (mailbox.ack api call) the received mailbox message.
  • To stop receiving messages each listener implementation has its own unregister function listed in the DwClient APIs -Methods.

Interface DwOpenMailboxEventListener

  • com.devicewise.tr50.listeners

  • All known implementing classes: DwOpenMailboxCommandListener, DwOpenMethodCallback


Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
voidonReceive(DwClient client, int retCode, java.lang.Throwable error, DwOpenMailboxMessage msg)

Abstract Class DwOpenMailboxCommandListener

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.listeners.DwOpenMailboxCommandListener
  • All implemented interfaces: DwOpenMailboxEventListener


Constructor and Description
DwOpenMailboxCommandListener() - Initializes an instance of a Java TR50 Command Listener


Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
voidsetCommand(java.lang.String command)

Abstract Class DwOpenMethodCallback

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.devicewise.tr50.listeners.DwOpenMailboxCommandListener
  • All implemented interfaces: DwOpenMailboxEventListener


Constructor and Description
DwOpenMethodCallback(java.lang.String methodKey) - Initializes an instance of a Java TR50 Method Object 


Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
abstract intexecuteMethod(java.lang.String execId, java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inParams, java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> outParams, StringReply errorMessage)
abstract voidonMethodAckFailure(int errorCode, java.lang.String errorMessage, java.lang.Throwable error) 
voidonReceive(DwClient client, int retCode, java.lang.Throwable error, DwOpenMailboxMessage msg)
voidsetCurrentMailboxMessage(DwOpenMailboxMessage currentMailboxMessage)
voidsetMethodName(java.lang.String methodName)

Usage Examples:

Mailbox Event Listener Example
 public void runMailboxEventListener(DwMqttClient client, MailboxMessageAckEvent event) throws InterruptedException{
    public class MailboxMessageAckEvent implements DwOpenMailboxEventListener{
    public void onReceive(DwClient client, int retCode, Throwable error,
            DwOpenMailboxMessage msg){
        // Implement Callback Logic Here
        //Remember to Ack
        DwOpenResponse response = new DwOpenResponse();
        try {
            client.getWorker().Mailbox().ack(msg.getId(), 0, null, null, new DwOpenResponse());
                System.out.println("Successful Mailbox Ack !");
        } catch (IOException | DwOpenException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

Mailbox Command Listener Example
    public void testMailboxCommandListener() throws DwOpenException, IOException, InterruptedException{
        DwOpenResponse response = new DwOpenResponse();
        DiagPingCommandEvent event = new DiagPingCommandEvent();
        client.getWorker().Generic().sendParamsWithReply("", "do", response);
        Thread.sleep(1000); // Wait 1 second for ping to response
        Assert.assertTrue(event.getResponse().isSuccess()); // Successful Ack !
public class DiagPingCommandEvent extends DwOpenMailboxCommandListener{
    private DwOpenResponse response;
    public DiagPingCommandEvent(){
        response  = new DwOpenResponse();
    public void onReceive(DwClient client, int retCode, Throwable error,
            DwOpenMailboxMessage msg)  {
        try {
            client.getWorker().Mailbox().ack(msg.getId(), 0, null, null, response);
        } catch (IOException | DwOpenException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    public DwOpenResponse getResponse() {
        return response;
    public void setResponse(DwOpenResponse response) {
        this.response = response;

TR50 Java Method Example
    public void testMethodEvent() throws DwOpenException, IOException{
        DwOpenMethodExec response = new DwOpenMethodExec();
        LinkedHashMap<String,Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
        DoubleValues method = new DoubleValues("double_values");
        Assert.assertEquals(client.registerMethod(method), DwOpenErrors.API_METHOD_ALREADY_REGISTERED);
        params.put("float_param", 3.5);
        params.put("int_param", -13);
        params.put("uint_param", 5);
        client.getWorker().Method().exec("tr50user", true, "double_values", false, 60, params, response);
public class DoubleValues extends DwOpenMethodCallback{
    public DoubleValues(String methodName) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
    public int executeMethod(String execId,
            LinkedHashMap<String, Object> inParams,
            LinkedHashMap<String, Object> outParams, StringReply errorMessage) {
            System.out.println("Current Mailbox ID:"+getCurrentMailboxMessage().getId());
            System.out.println("Current ThingKey:"+getCurrentMailboxMessage().getThingKey());
            System.out.println("Current From:"+getCurrentMailboxMessage().getFrom());
                outParams.put("int_param_out", 2 * (int)inParams.get("int_param"));
                    errorMessage.setValue("Required Param int_param missing");
                outParams.put("float_param_out", 2 * (float)inParams.get("float_param"));
                    errorMessage.setValue("Required Param float_param missing");
            if(inParams.containsKey("uint_param") && (int)inParams.get("uint_param")>=0){
                outParams.put("uint_param_out", 2 * (int)inParams.get("uint_param"));
                    errorMessage.setValue("Required Param uint_param missing or invalid");
        }catch(Exception e){
        return 0;
    public void onMethodAckFailure(int errorCode, String errorMessage,
            Throwable error) {
        System.out.println("Ack Failed for Method Double Values");