MQTT Control Packets

The MQTT protocol works by exchanging a series of MQTT Control Packets in a define way. This section provides an overview of MQTT Control Packets and a list of Packet Types used in deviceWISE Cloud. An MQTT Control Packet consists of three parts fixed header(present in all packets), variable header(optional) and Payload(optional)

Each MQTT Control Packet contains a fixed header. The following is the format of the fixed header.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte 1 MQTT Control Packet Type Flags (Specific to Control Packet type)
Byte 2 Remaining Length

The following MQTT Control packets are supported in the deviceWISE Cloud.

Packet Type Description Value Direction of flow Flags
CONNECT Client requests a connection to a Server 1 Client to Server Reserved
CONNACK Acknowledge connection request 2 Server to Client Reserved
PUBLISH Publish message 3 Client to Server or Server to Client Used1
PUBACK Publish acknowledgment 4 Client to Server or Server to Client Reserved
SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to topics 8 Client to Server Reserved
SUBACK Subscribe acknowledgment 9 Server to Client Reserved
UNSUBSCRIBE Unsubscribe from topics 10 Client to Server Reserved
UNSUBACK Unsubscribe acknowledgment 11 Server to Client Reserved
PINGREQ Ping request 12 Client to Server Reserved
PINGRESP Ping response 13 Server to Client Reserved
DISCONNECT Disconnect notification 14 Client to Server Reserved