Adding a CDP

The CDP configuration page allows you add a new CDP.  To add a new CDP, follow the procedure below:

  1. From the Administration screen in the CONNECTIONS group, click on the CDP configuration
    The CDP configuration screen appears.
  2. Click on the New CDP

    Adding CDP screen appears
  3. Select the type of CDP from the Select type of CDP drop-down

  4. Enter all the required details.  The credentials and all other required details are provided by your cellular service provider. 
  5. All CDP types require a Username and Password. Some require a License key and Endpoint. Below is a table of the fields for each type.
    CDPsNameEndpointUsernamePasswordLicense keyCarrierRate plans
    EricssonX XX X 
    IoT Connectivity North AmericaX XX   
    Jasper Control CenterXXXXXXX
    IoT Connectivity - ATT-JasperXXXXXXX
    IoT Connectivity - RogersXXXXXX
    IoT Connectivity - Tele2XXXXXXX
    IoT Connectivity - Tele2 (Lightning)XXXXXX
    IoT Connectivity - TelefonicaXXXXXXX
    IoT Connectivity - Telefonica PAN EUXXXXXX 
    Swisscom CMP MobileXXXX X 
    Swisscom CMP VodafoneXXXX X 
    Swisscom DCP MobileX XX X 
    T-MobileX XX   
    Verizon Management CenterX XX   
  6. The Preferred SMSC is auto selected when you select type of CDP. If you want to select a different SMSC, click on the Preferred SMSC drop-down and select the SMSC.
    The SMSC list is configured by support and if you want to modify something then you need to contact support.
  7. Enable Auto create things for connections, to generate a Thing for each Connection to the CDP. When enabled, a new Thing is created during Initial synchronization or during ongoing synchronization after it is enabled.
    Enabling Auto create things for connections will not create Things from the existing Connections.
  8. Click Add to save the CDP configuration.
    For each connection the platform acquires 60 days worth of historical usage information from the date of the CDP configuration.

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