This section explains the integration of Twilio to the Management Portal that allows receiving messages from Twilio. To integrate the Management Portal and Twilio:

  1. Locate or create a new Messaging Service to use to send text messages from your Twilio account.  For more information, see the Twilio documentation.
  2. In Twilio:
    1. Log in your Twilio account.

    2. To view the AUTH TOKEN (Authentication Token), click on the dots.

    3. Click on Manage Numbers
    4. Click on Active Numbers
    5. Click on your number.
    6. Enter the URL in the Messaging section. The URL consists of the following:
      1. Enter your HTTPS Endpoint without the /api from the Developer page
      2. Add /twilio/ and the Callback secret from the Editing Twilio screen. The final URL looks like<callback secret>. The figure below provides your further information on getting to the Editing Twilio screen.
    7. Click Save
  3. In Management Portal:
    1. Click the cog menu  on the top right corner of the Management Portal.
    2. In the Menu, select Administration.

      The  screen appears.
    3. In the Administration screen, click on the Configuration under the CONFIGURATION group.
      The Configuration screen appears.
    4. Click on the edit icon corresponding to Twilio.

      Editing Twilio screen appears.
    5. Copy the SID and AUTH TOKEN from the Twilio console.

    6. Click Update

The Default From Phone Number is optional. It must be a registered SMS capable number in your Twilio account.

The phone number format (for use in the From and To phone number fields) supported by Twilio is E.164. Please refer to for more information.

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