Email Summary Report

It is possible to configure various reports in deviceWISE Cloud so that it regularly emails you a summary of a report.

Reports are scheduled so that you receive an email daily or hourly.

It is possible to schedule the following reports:

  • CDP Connection Usage - Overview of your organizations's CDP connection usage data.
  • CDP Configuration slow sync list - Provides a list of CDP configurations that are slow to synchronize
  • CDP Configuration sync status - Provides a list of all CDP configurations synchronization status
  • LWM2M signal quality report - Overview of all your LWM2M signal quality strength (RSSI)
  • LWM2M battery level report - Overview of all your LWM2M battery level report
  • Custom report records - Shows custom records that have been submitted for this report through the action
  • Thing last seen - Lists the number of Things connected, and grouped by when they were last seen.
  • Thing tags - Lists the number of Things with a particular set of tags

What's Inside

This section contains the following pages: