
A sub-orgnization is an organization below the top-level organization to which other items belong, such as applications, roles, Things, Connections, Thing definitions, and device profiles. Sub-organizations are created to further partition the items in your deviceWISE Cloud. For more information on Organization, see Architecture of deviceWISE Cloud

A sub-organization's usage information can be rolled up to its parent organization. Sub-organizations inherit some organization configuration settings from the parent, such as email templates. However, if you want to use other items, such as thing definitions from the parent, you need to export them from the parent and import them into the sub-organization. You can share things with other organizations from the thing details page of individual things.

Each organization is defined with or without the ability to define sub-organizations. If the current organization does not have the ability to define sub-organizations, then you will not see the link in the Administration page under the ACCESS group.

See also:

Root Organization

What's Inside

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