It is possible to export your whole dashboard to share it with other organization. To export a dashboard, do the following:

  1. On the Dashboards main screen, click on My Dashboards or Dashboards
  2. Do one of the following:
    1. To export a single dashboard:
      1. Click on the corresponding view button  of a dashboard you want to export. For more information on viewing a dashboard, see Viewing dashboard
      2. Click Export

        The dashboard details are exported into a JSON file. You need to import the JSON from the org you want to include the dashboard

    2. To export multiple dashboards
      1. Select the dashboards you want to export

      2. Click Export
        The dashboards detail are exported into a JSON file. You need to import the JSON from the org you want to include the dashboard

Exporting a dashboard with a parent will not export the parent details. If required, the parent-child dashboards need to be exported separately and linked after importing.