Alarm pie chart

The Alarm pie chart widget is used to display a pie chart of alarm statuses for a particular Thing and alarm.

Field Description
Name The name of the widget, shown at the top of the widget.
Thing key The Thing key this widget should respond to. If left blank, the widget will inherit the Thing key from the dashboard.
Alarm key The key of the alarm to be shown by this widget.

What aspect of the alarms should be grouped together.

  • Count groups together the number of alarm triggered.
  • Duration groups together the time that the Thing was in each alarm state.
Show legend If a legend should be displayed at the bottom of the pie chart. Clicking on the color in the legend will toggle if that slice is displayed in the chart. 
Show border If the widget should have a border around it.

Interacting with the widget

  • When you mouse over a slice, the pie chart will highlight that slice and display the name of the alarm and pertinent values specific to that alarm.
  • If you are displaying the legend, moving the mouse over a color in the legend will highlight that slice. Clicking on the color in the legend will toggle the slice on and off in the chart.