Defining FOTA settings

The FOTA settings tab is used to configure FOTA (Firmware over the Air) settings

Enter/Select the following fields to configure the FOTA settings:

Field Description
Object Select the Object
Instance Select the Instance
Resource Select the Resource
Device does not support DNS Select Yes, if the devices does not support DNS and No, if the devices supports DNS
Transfer protocol Select the transfer Protocol
Check version on update Select True, if you want to check the firmware version during the updates and False, if you do not want to check the firmware version during the updates.
Set PMIN/PMAX attributes on observe Observe the set PMIN/PMAX of the selected object.

PMIN - Min. time in second between sending notifications for a resource if any of the notify conditions are met

PMAX - Max. time in seconds between sending successive notifications for a resource if none of other notify conditions are satisfied