Method Aliases
A method alias is a label given to a group of things. So that you can specify a single identifier (the method alias) and one of a group of things will execute the command. The Method Aliases consist of multiple things that are grouped together and the method runs on a thing depending on its availability. It is an extension of method.exec where the method runs on a single defined thing and it is rejected if that thing is not available. While defining a Method alias, select the following options that allows selecting a thing depending on its availability:
- Policy - The policy followed by the server while selecting a thing within the group defined in the Method aliases
- No target policy - The policy to select a thing in case if none of the things within the group (alias) are available. This option will be considered when the above-set Policy fails when no targeted things were online.
The above diagram describes Method Aliases. In the example above, the alias contains a group of three things - Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thing 3 respectively. The method is executed on Thing 3 as it is readily available. The below example shows a use case of Method alias. In the example below the Method alias, contains five servers. The command to run the maintenance tasks for the Robot 3 is executed on Server 3 as it is available and the rest of the servers were offline.
Enter the Method Alias key while defining the method.exec.