Bulk Export Utility
The Bulk Export Utility is a command line utility with a locally-hosted web app that is used to bulk export the stored content of an organization. It also provides a user interface (UI) to view the number of records exported. The following table provides the available collections for Bulk export:
Bulk Export Collection Options | Description | |
1 | aggregates
The aggregates of things |
2 | alarms
Logs of all alarms in an Org |
3 | api_logs
Log of all API calls. |
4 | apps
All of the apps, and their configurations, in an Org. |
5 | attributes
Log of all [thing] attributes (the most current [thing] attribute will also be in the [thing] document). |
6 | campaigns
All of the campaigns of an Org (campaigns are actions that are taken on multiple [things]). |
7 | campaigns_things
All of the [things] that are added to a campaign get their own record that gets stored in [campaigns_things]. |
8 | cdp_audit_trail
The change list of SIM Card configurations from a CDP (Content Delivery Platform). |
9 | cdp_connections
All of the connections (SIM-enabled devices). |
10 | cdp_usage_data
Log of every time data gets used for a CDP connection. |
11 | cdp_usage_sms
Log of every time an SMS is sent for a CDP connection. |
12 | cdp_usage_voice
Log of every time a voice call gets used for a CDP connection. |
13 | config
Key-Value store of Org-level settings. |
14 | geofence_events
Log of events for when a [thing] enters and leaves a [geofence]. |
15 | geofences
All of the geofences. |
16 | locations
Log of the locations of every [thing] (the most current location can also be found in the [thing] document). |
17 | logs
All of the event logs attached to an org, [thing], [triggers], [campaign], etc. |
18 | mailbox
All of the messages that get sent to a [thing] from mailbox.send or method.exec. |
19 | mailbox_alias
All of the mailbox aliases (if a message needs to be sent to one of a group of things, then that group of things can be assigned a mailbox alias). |
20 | module_exec_history
A list of AT commands to modules (a module is a thing that contains a Telit processor). |
21 | notification_groups
All of the notification groups of an Org (a notification group gets created to be referenced when a mass message needs to be sent to said group). |
22 |
All of the users that belong to a [notification group]. |
23 | properties
Log of all [thing] properties and their values (the most current [thing] property will also be in the [thing]). |
24 | roles
All of the roles that are assigned to a non-admin user in an Org. |
25 | sms
All SMS messages sent from an Org. |
26 | sms_templates
All of the message templates used in SMS messaging. |
27 | thing_defs
All of the thing definitions of an Org (a thing definition is the interface of a thing which is implemented by a thing's properties, attributes, alarm, and methods). |
28 | things
All of the things of an Org. |
29 | trigger_reports
Log of step-by-step [trigger] execution summaries that can be used to debug triggers. |
30 | trigger_templates
All of the trigger templates (a trigger template is a description for a [trigger] that can be generated with user inputs). |
31 | triggers
All of the triggers of an Org (a trigger is an event with actions fired by changes in the Platform). |
32 | tunnel_conn_history
All of the active and inactive tunnel connections along with their states and stats. |
33 | tunnel_history
Log of events that occur during the lifetime of a tunnel connection. |
History collections (i.e. alarms, properties, and so on) will not contain records of objects shared to the Org that is being exported.