Bulk Export Utility

The Bulk Export Utility is a command line utility with a locally-hosted web app that is used to bulk export the stored content of an organization.  It also provides a user interface (UI) to view the number of records exported. The following table provides the available collections for Bulk export:

  Bulk Export Collection Options Description
1 aggregates The aggregates of things
2 alarms Logs of all alarms in an Org
3 api_logs Log of all API calls.
4 apps All of the apps, and their configurations, in an Org.
5 attributes

Log of all [thing] attributes (the most current [thing] attribute will also be in the [thing] document).

6 campaigns  All of the campaigns of an Org (campaigns are actions that are taken on multiple [things]).
7 campaigns_things  All of the [things] that are added to a campaign get their own record that gets stored in [campaigns_things].
8 cdp_audit_trail  The change list of SIM Card configurations from a CDP (Content Delivery Platform).
9 cdp_connections  All of the connections (SIM-enabled devices).
10 cdp_usage_data  Log of every time data gets used for a  CDP connection.
11 cdp_usage_sms  Log of every time an SMS is sent for a CDP connection.
12 cdp_usage_voice  Log of every time a voice call gets used for a CDP connection.
13 config  Key-Value store of Org-level settings.
14 geofence_events Log of events for when a [thing] enters and leaves a [geofence].
15 geofences All of the geofences.
16 locations

Log of the locations of every [thing] (the most current location can also be found in the [thing] document).

17 logs

All of the event logs attached to an org, [thing], [triggers], [campaign], etc.

18 mailbox

All of the messages that get sent to a [thing] from mailbox.send or method.exec.

19 mailbox_alias

All of the mailbox aliases (if a message needs to be sent to one of a group of things, then that group of things can be assigned a mailbox alias).

20 module_exec_history

A list of AT commands to modules (a module is a thing that contains a Telit processor).

21 notification_groups

All of the notification groups of an Org (a notification group gets created to be referenced when a mass message needs to be sent to said group).



All of the users that belong to a [notification group].
23 properties

Log of all [thing] properties and their values (the most current [thing] property will also be in the [thing]).

24 roles

All of the roles that are assigned to a non-admin user in an Org.

25 sms All SMS messages sent from an Org.
26 sms_templates All of the message templates used in SMS messaging.
27 thing_defs

All of the thing definitions of an Org (a thing definition is the interface of a thing which is implemented by a thing's properties, attributes, alarm, and methods).

28 things All of the things of an Org.
29 trigger_reports

Log of step-by-step [trigger] execution summaries that can be used to debug triggers.

30 trigger_templates

All of the trigger templates (a trigger template is a description for a [trigger] that can be generated with user inputs).

31 triggers

All of the triggers of an Org (a trigger is an event with actions fired by changes in the Platform).

32 tunnel_conn_history

All of the active and inactive tunnel connections along with their states and stats.

33 tunnel_history

Log of events that occur during the lifetime of a tunnel connection.

History collections (i.e. alarms, properties, and so on) will not contain records of objects shared to the Org that is being exported.

What's Inside