module.remoteat.exec action

The module.remoteat.exec is used to execute an AT command against the module.  This command will only work if the module supports remote AT commands. The module can be identified by thingKey, ESN, ICCID, IMEI, IMSI, MEID, or MSISDN. Only one of these identifying fields is required.


This trigger action is found under the Module.


When dragged onto the canvas, the appearance of the action is a rectangle with two routing points.

The left routing point (red) is the failure route. This route will be taken if there is an error during execution.

The right routing point (green) is the success route. This route will be taken if action executes successfully.



Name Type Required Descriptions
Identifier Type String Yes Select the identifier type you want to provide in the Identifier field. The associated thing should be a module in the inventory and is identified with an identifier associated to the module.
Identifier String Yes Input the Identifier. Make sure it matches the Identifier Type you selected. For example, you can input thingKey, thingId, ESN, ICCID, IMEI, IMSI, MEID, or MSISDN.
Mode String Yes The mode to send the command (tr50 or sms or lwm2m). Default is auto
Timeout Integer Time to wait for response from the AT command. Default is 0 which means do not wait for a response.
Input String Yes The AT command to send.

Output variables

Name Type Description
$(action.X.lines) String The resulting array of each line in the output.
$(action.X.raw) String The raw output.