connection.session.inactivity event

The connection.session.inactivity event identifies connections that have not had a session established within the set time period. 



Time period String Yes The amount of time that a connection must not have a new session established (since the last session). Time period is a number followed by m (minutes), h (hours), d (days).
Notification frequency String Yes The amount of time that must pass before the trigger will execute again for the same connection. Setting this value to 7d means that a connection will only cause the trigger to fire once every seven days after the Time period has elapsed. Notification frequency is a number followed by m (minutes), h (hours), d (days). The maximum period is 30 days. Examples: 24h, 7d, 30d, 120m and so on.
Carrier String   Limits the trigger to the connections within the specified carrier. Leave blank to not limit this trigger to connections specified by carrier. For example, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Vodaphone, Sprint and so on

Event variables

$(event.conn.iccid) String The ICCID associated with the connection.
$(event.conn.meid) String The MEID associated with the connection.
$(event.conn.imei) String The IMEI associated with the connection.
$(event.conn.imsi) String The IMSI associated with the connection.
$(event.ts) String The timestamp of the connection status change that initiated this trigger.
$(event.last_session_end) String The beginning of the time range evaluated to determine the usage. If the "Last period" was configured as "7d", then "since" will be 7 days prior to the current date.