dynamic event

The dynamic event is identified by a key within an organization. If multiple instances with the same key are used then it will fire independently.



Name Type Required Description
Key String  Yes The key that this trigger should respond to. This key would be specified in the dynamic.exec trigger action.

Event variables

Name Type Description
$(event.input) String The input that initiated this trigger. The input can either be a string or a JSON object. If invoked with a string, then $(event.input) will be a simple string value, if JSON is passed to the input, then it will be an object. If an object, then JSON like {"value":10} will be accessed as $(event.input.value).
$(event.from) String The email address or thing key associated with the session that initiated the dynamic execution.
$(event.key) String The key that initiated this trigger.
$(event.ts) String The timestamp that initiated this trigger.