property.change event

The property.change event is triggered when a property value changes from a previous publish.



Thing key String Enter Thing Key(s). Leave blank to not limit this trigger to a specific thing.
Thing tags String Enter Tag(s). Leave blank to not limit this trigger to Things specified by tag. When multiple tags are specified in the trigger event, the thing must have at least one tag in common for the trigger to execute.
Property key String This trigger can be limited to a specified property by key. Leave blank to not limit this trigger to a specific property.
Operator String Yes The condition or comparison that initiates this trigger. Triggers can be set to always execute when a property is published, or only when the property published is different than the current property value (neprevious), or it can be set to execute when the value is less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), equal to (==), not equal to (!=), greater than or equal to (>=), greater than (>), between two values including the lower bound and not the upper bound (operand 1 <= and < operand2), or between two values including both the lower and upper bound (operand 1 <= and <= operand2).
Operand String The threshold that the published property value is compared to. In the between operator case, the two operands should be separated by a comma (,).
On edge Boolean Limits the number of times a trigger executes to instances when the property value crosses the threshold.

True: If set to true, it will limit the execution of this trigger to the first publish that satisfies the condition, but not for subsequent publishes that also satisfy the condition. Once a property value is published that is outside of the condition, the On Edge restriction is reset and the next property publish that satisfies the condition would cause the trigger to execute.

False: If set to false, it will execute the trigger when the property is republished.

For example: If you consider the values in the above screenshot, the trigger fires for the following values:

Scenario 1: On Edge is set to True

Value Published
Trigger Fires
-80No - On Edge restriction is reset

Scenario 2: On Edge is set to False, it will execute the trigger when the property is republished.

Value Published
Trigger Fires
-85No - On Edge restriction is reset
Time in condition (seconds) Integer The number of seconds the property must maintain the current value before the trigger is executed.

Event variables

$(event.location.heading) Float The heading of the thing's current location.
$( Float The latitude of the thing's current location.
$(event.location.lng) Float The longitude of the thing's current location.
$(event.location.speed) Integer The speed of the thing at the thing's current location.
$(event.prev.ts) String The timestamp associated with the thing's previously published location.
$(event.prev.value) Integer The value of the previous property publish.
$(event.prop.corrId) String The correlation ID of the property record.
$(event.prop.key) String The key of the property that initiated this trigger.
$( String The name of the property that initiated this trigger.
$(event.prop.ts) String The timestamp of the property publish that initiated this trigger.
$(event.prop.unit) String The unit of the property publish that initiated this trigger.
$(event.prop.value) Float The value of the property publish that initiated this trigger.
$(event.thing.key) String The key of the thing that initiated this trigger.
$( String The name of the thing that initiated this trigger.
$(event.thing.type) String The type of the thing that initiated this trigger.