Using Microsoft Azure Event Hub integration

Microsoft Azure Event Hub is a scalable event processing service that ingests and processes large volumes of events and data with low latency and high reliability.  This section explains on the integration of Event hub to the Management Portal that allows sending data to the Azure. To send data to Azure and to integrate with the Event hub:

  1. Create an Event Hub namespace and an event hub using the Azure portal.  For more information on creating a namespace and an Event hub, see Create Namespace and Event hub

  2. Within the event hub, click on the Shared access policies

  3. Click Add to create a new Policy

    Add new shared access policy screen appears
  4. Do the following to create a new policy:
    1. Enter the Policy name.
    2. Select your available policy access options - Manage, Send, and/or Listen.
    3. Click Create.

Click on the newly created policy to view the policy

The image below shows the new policy and relation of the parameters to the azure.event_hub.send Trigger action

Before connecting to the Event Hub using the azure.event_hub.send the following conditions must exist on Azure:

  1. A namespace
  2. An event hub
  3. The event hub must have a valid access policy defined. The primary key in the access policy is the token used as a certificate to allow access.

Example using azure.event_hub.send - TR50 request
  "cmd" : {
    "command" : "azure.event_hub.send",
    "params" : {
      "namespace" : "gwl123",
      "eventHub" : "myeventhub",
      "keyName" : "MyEventHubPolicy",
      "signingKey" : "T+rWadTGXkkxjumpmkyOEBrEG3M+qHZeFpcOjQonb9Q=",
      "partitionKey" : "",
      "payload": {}

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Sending Data to Azure using API

Azure Event Hub send action