deviceWISE Cloud 24.11 Release Notes
A number of improvements and fixes were added to the deviceWISE Cloud 24.11 release.
Production Release Date: December 2024
[Improvement] - When a user now clicks on the cog wheel in the navigation bar their username will be displayed next to MyProfile(username). If the username exceeds 30 characters then the characters past 30 will be display by and ellipse ...
- [LwM2M Resources] - Added units to resource labels and resource data type indicators. (where available to help distinguish between single and multi-instance resource types.)
[LwM2M Resources] - Added Units column to /lwm2m/object_registry/view pages.
[Management Portal] - For all pages that contain a list of eUICCs, the sgpType column will now be displayed.
- [Object Browser] - Add File is now an option when creating an instance for a single opaque resource.
[Object Browser] - Add File is now an option when creating an instance for multiple opaque resources.
[Object Instance] - Enhanced functionality to support writing large file as content for a LwM2M device at the instance level.
[Third Party API] - Added support for the following new API commands: aws.s3access.configs and aws.s3access.generate.
[Third Party API] - Added new trigger action for aws.s3access.generate.
[Trigger Events] - The location.change trigger event will now include the distance from the previous location in meters as the variable $(
[Trigger Events] - The previous and current MCCMNC of a connection will now be available to the trigger event.
[Administration Tab] - When configuring users rate limit the popup will now display a message to enter valid Rate Limit Count interval where previously it was displaying Rate Limit Control interval.
[Administration Tab] - Optimized the error handling for the Things Recruiter share and unshare functionality to better assist the user in the share/unshare process.
[Dashboard] - On Multiple Things/Thing list widget fixed an issue which would cause the tag filtering to fail when paginating past the first page of things. Also fixed issue when the user clicked cancel on Dashboard Design which would redirect to homepage rather than going to Dashboard view page.
[IOTP - Triggers Dashboard] - Fixed positioning of the tooltip overlay for single record trigger failures which was preventing the user from being able to view a failed trigger.
[IOTP - Thing View] - Fixed the error reporting for the Thing View method exec so it would adhere to the format [<errorCode>] <errorMessage>.
[Object Browser] - Fixed an issue that would prevent the Clock Icon to be shown next to view binary data when the user would read an instance from the Object Browser.
[Org Admin] - Session not found errors will now return a more accurate error code.
[Thing View] - Added type validation of the method exec notification variables.