deviceWISE Cloud 25.02 Release Notes
A number of improvements and fixes were added to the deviceWISE Cloud 25.02 release.
Production Release Date: February 2024

[Cloud Triggers] - Fixed the default start and end date presented on /triggers/reports page. Fixed where /triggers/report redirects on failed find of a report. (It should land on the /triggers/index page).
[LWM2M] - Improved LwM2M ObjectLink resource value representation.
[Open Server] - New API service Access. Allows for the management of certificate based access for things and applications.

[Object Browser] - Fixed issue when writing a file to multiple opaque resource would result in a improperly formatted request sent to server.
[Portal] - Fixed an issue when downloading logs as CSV on the Things Event tab.
[Portal] - Fixed issue which would cause null to show when writing to an LWM2M 'ReadWrite Objlnk' resource.
[Portal] - Fix to LwM2M Object browser when writing string value to opaque resource at the object instance level.
[Thing Definitions] - Fixed issue when editing a Thing Def and using the Copy Definition functionality.
[Thing Location History] - Fixed issue on Thing location history where an error would occur if the user switched filtering from the Location records limit to Maximum Records.