Module Part 2 - Connecting to your module
If you are already familiar with the Telit AT Controller Software and connecting to your module via USB, then you can skip this part and go onto Module Part 3 - Connecting the module to the cloud.
Connecting your module will enable communicating to the deviceWISE Cloud through the cellular network.

- You have an account on the deviceWISE Cloud.
- You must have administrator privileges on your computer to install the software.
- You have a Telit OneEdge Module.
Following are the steps required in order to connect your module to the deviceWISE Cloud:

Use the following links to download the Telit USB driver and AT controller software:
Telit USB Drivers:
Telit AT Controller: - Download it from the Telit Download-Zone from the following link Telit AT Controller.
Ignore any of theses warnings:

- Right-Click on the file you downloaded and select Extract All.
- One the extraction is complete, open the
folder Telit_HE863_HE910_GE910_USB_Driver
- Execute the installer located in the
folder: TelitUSBInstaller_In_U8.00.04.exe
by right-clicking on the file and selecting Run
as Administrator.
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

After installing the driver connect your Telit module to your computer using an USB cable. To find the COM port (USB port) to which the module is connected, follow the steps below:
- Open the Control Panel from the Start menu.
- Double-Click on Device Manager in the control panel.
- Expand Ports (COM & LPT).
- Find the entry for Telit
Mobile (USB3) (COMXX) and note which COM port
is used.

To install the downloaded AT Controller, follow the steps below:
- Right-Click on the file you downloaded and click Extract All.
- Once the extraction is complete, open the
folder Telit_AT_Controller_3.1.2
- Execute the installer located in the
folder: TATC_Setup.msi.
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

- Run the Telit AT Controller
software from the Start menu.
- Click Settings to
configure the connection
- Select the COM port (associated with Telit
Module (USB3)) you noted above in Module Part 2 - Connecting
to your module
- Click OK to save your
- Click Play button to connect
to the module.
Once connected you will see the IMEI number along with other details such as Manufacturer, the Model, and the current Firmware version of the module
You are now connected to your Telit module.
Sending your first AT Command
Now that you are connected to the module, start sending AT commands to test out the deviceWISE Cloud APIs.
- Make sure you are still connected to the module
(play button is greyed out when you are connected).
- Open the AT Terminal by clicking the icon in the
bottom right.
The AT Terminal window appears - Type "AT#DWSTATUS" in the text box
at the bottom of the AT Terminal and select the
Execute button.
- When the command executes, you will see the command
and its reply in the terminal panel.
- You have now executed your first AT command.
Firmware Note
If the AT#DWSTATUS command returns "ERROR" then the module you are using does not support the deviceWISE Cloud API and you should consult your Telit representative for a new firmware version for your module.
You have completed Part 2
Continue with Module Part 3 - Connecting the module to the cloud.