Module Part 3 - Connecting the module to the cloud
This part will walk you through configuring your module to connect to the internet and connected to the deviceWISE Cloud. The remaining parts will instruct you to issue AT commands, among other tasks, and it is expected that you know how to do this via the Telit AT Controller without the aid of detailed screenshots.
The following are the prerequisites to connect to the deviceWISE Cloud:
- You have an account on the deviceWISE Cloud
- You have a Telit 910 module that supports the
Telit xE910 AT Interface.
For the documentation for this AT command interface, see Telit xE910 AT Interface. - You understand how to connect to your module and execute AT commands.
- You are familiar with the Telit AT Terminal application.
Connecting to the internet
You need to configure your module with an APN and connect to the internet.
- Enable error reporting
## Enable error reporting AT+CMEE=2
- Set the APN and GPRS for the connection
## Set the APN and GPRS for the connection AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","<your apn here>" OK
- Activate PDP context
## Activate PDP context AT+SGACT=1,1 OK
A PDP context contains routing information for packet transfer between an MS and a GGSN to have access to an external packet-switching network.
You should get a return with #SGACT: <ip address>, indicating a successful execution of the command.
If you are unsure of which APN to use, you should consult your carrier. For suggestions, check this list here of well known APNs: Cellular settings by cell phone carrier.
Connecting the Telit module to the deviceWISE Cloud
At this point, you should have a connection from your Telit module to the Internet. The final task is to connect it to the deviceWISE Cloud. To connect to thedeviceWISE Cloud, you must configure a TR50 connection. You will need to use the application token from your account in the deviceWISE Cloud to complete your TR50 connection from a module. To connect the Telit module to the deviceWISE Cloud, do the following:
In the Management Portal, click on Developer and note the address of the API server that you should use (For example: in the screenshot below).
The links shown in the figure below varies depending on the instance of the portal you are using.
Under the GENERAL group, click Applications
The Applications page appears.
- Copy the Default Application
Token string value by clicking the copy to clipboard icon.
- From the AT Terminal, execute the following
AT commands:
## Configure the connection to the cloud, AT#DWCFG=<api server from above, for this example>,0,<default application token from above> OK
## Connect to the cloud. AT#DWCONN=1 OK
## Check the connection status. AT#DWSTATUS #DWSTATUS: 2,0,2000,1,1,37,195 OK
If the AT#DWCONN command returns an ERROR, check to ensure that your PDP context is still available, you can retry the AT#DWCONN=1 command to attempt to reconnect the session.
- You are now connected to the deviceWISE Cloud!
Verifying the module is connected to the Management Portal
Lastly, you can verify that the module correctly registered as a thing and is visible in the Management Portal.
- Log on to the Management Portal.
The Overview page appears. - Select the Things tab to
display the Things page.
Then select the "view" icon for the thing: - Click the view icon
and you will see the information for the module is displayed in the tabs, such as Overview, Details, Attributes, and so on.
You have completed Part 3
Continue with Module Part 4 - Sending data from a module to the deviceWISE Cloud.