Creating a JMS transport

To create a JMS transport:

  1. From the Workbench left pane, expand the node that you want to associate the new transport with.
  2. Expand Enterprise, right-click the Transports icon to display its pop-up menu, and then click New.
    The Create Transport window appears.
  3. In the Name box, type a unique name for the transport.
    A JMS transport name can be up to 64 characters in length and can include letters, numbers, and the underscore character. You will not be able to type invalid characters. For example, spaces are not allowed. You will not be able to insert a space in the name.

  4. Click the Type down arrow, and then click JMS.
    The Transport window changes to accommodate JMS transport.

Parameters tab

Parameter Description
JMS Provider Click the down arrow to specify the type of JMS Provider:

WebSphere - SIB: This option will require you to specify the JNDI registered names for the QueueConnectionFactory(QCF) and the Queue in the Queue Factory and the Queue Name fields respectively. You must also specify the SIB messaging endpoints.
WebSphere - SIB Direct: This option will require you to specify a value for the Bus Name and the Queue Name parameters as well as the SIB messaging endpoints.The destination queue is accessed directly without performing a JNDI lookup.
The following options don't require specification of a SIB Endpoint, so the Endpoint Information fields are hidden if they are selected
NetWeaver: This option will required you to specify the JNDI registered names for the QueueConnectionFactory(QCF) and the Queue in the Queue Factory and the Queue Name fields respectively.
WebSphere - WMQ: Use this option to access a WebSphere WMQ queue as a JMS Destination. It will require you to specify the Queue Name of the target WebSphere MQ Queue.

Host This is the hostname or IP address of the JMS Server. This information will be provided by your Application Server administrator.
Port This is the TCP/IP port identifier that the JMS transport will connect to.
Queue Factory This is the JNDI registered name of the Queue Connection Factory. This information will be provided by your Application Server administrator.
Bus Name Only available for WebSphere - SIBDirect. This is the WebSphere SIB bus name that has been configured by your WAS administrator as the end point for SIB requests from the node. This information will be provided by your WAS administrator.
Queue Name Specify the JNDI registered name of the target queue. The transport will put JMS Messages on this queue. The queue name will be provided by your Application Server administrator.
Manager Only available for WebSphere - WMQ. This is the WebSphere MQ manager name. This will be provided by your WebSphere MQ administrator.
Channel Only available for WebSphere - WMQ. This is the WebSphere MQ Channel name. This will be provided by your WebSphere MQ administrator.
User Optional. Specify the user id that will be used to access the JMS server. See your Application Server administrator.
Password Optional. Specify the associated password that will be used to access the JMS Server. See your Application Server administrator.
Extended Attributes Select this button to specify the JMS Header Properties panel. It is described in the next section.
Endpoints This set of fields is only visible when you select WebSphere - SIB or WebSphere - SIB Direct as the JMS Provider.
Host This is the host name or IP address of the WebSphere SIB installation. This information will be provided by your WAS administrator.
Port This is the TCP/IP port identifier that the WebSphere SIB endpoint service will be listening on. This information will be provided by your WAS administrator.
Defined Hosts When you click Add, the values from Host and Port are added to this box. You can add several defined host and port combinations.
Load transport at initialization Select the Load transport at initialization check box to have the transport connect to the host as soon as the node boots up (or immediately after leaving store and forward).


The following Enterprise Gateway products do not support the indicated JMS servers due to platform limitations.

  • MESInterface IT
    • NetWeaver
  • deviceWISE Enterprise Gateway for Siemens ERPC
    • WebSphere - SIB
    • NetWeaver

Extended Attributes

This panel is accessed by selecting the Extended Attributes button on the JMS transport definition panel. You can specify JMS Header properties of the JMS Message being delivered by this transport. The values specified here override the default JMS Header properties that are set JMS provider's client library.

Parameter Description
Expiration This is a combination field and list box. Enter a value to specify the expiration value in seconds of all JMS messages delivered by the transport. The default is Unlimited.
Priority This pick list specifies the priority of all JMS Message delivered by this transport. Choose a value from 0 (Lowest) through 9 (Highest). The default if left unspecified is 4.
Correlation ID This is the correlation ID that will be set in all JMS messages delivered by this transport. The default is to not set the Correlation ID.
Delivery Mode This pick list can be used to specify the JMS delivery mode of all JMS messages delivered by the transport. Choose from Persistent or Non-Persistent. The default if left unspecified is Persistent.
Reply Queue This field allows a JMSReplyToQueue value to be specified for all JMS message delivered by the transport. The default is to leave this JMS header field unspecified.

Application Defined Properties

Use this section of the Extended Attributes panel if your enterprise application expects user defined JMS Header properties to be added to all JMS Messages delivered by this transport. You specify the value one property at a time by selecting the Add button and entering the property information in the New Item popup panel.

Parameter Description
Property Specify the key value of the JMS Header property in this field. This JMS Header property will be present in all JMS messages delivered by the transport.
Type This pick list specifies the data type of the JMS Header property. The data type is typically specified by the target business application consuming this JMS Message. The type information is used to call the appropriate JMS Header property setter when adding the JMS Header property to all JMS Message delivered by this transport.
Default Value Enter the value to be used for the JMS Header property. The value entered here will be the value of the JMS Header property added to of all JMS Messages delivered by this transport. Enter a value appropriate for the type specified. If an error occurs when setting the JMS Header property the transport will fail the request.

Testing and saving the JMS transport

  1. When the parameters are filled in, click Validate. An attempt will be made to access the queue on the Application Server. If no errors are received, the target queue can be accessed correctly.
  2. Click Save to write this transport to the node.

The name of the new transport is added to the Transports tab and will be available for use by a transport map.

Related topics

Timeout tab

Store & Forward tab

Mapping Log tab

Custom Payloads tab