Creating the IFS transport map

This section assumes that a predefined IFS transport is available on the same node as the IFS transport map you want to create.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Workbench left pane, expand the appropriate node.
  2. Expand Enterprise, right-click the Transport Maps icon to display its pop-up menu, and then click New.
    The Transport Map window appears.
  3. Name the transport map as appropriate, and then set the Version Mismatch option to either Pass or Fail.
  4. From the Transport Map window, next to Transport, click the down arrow.
    A list of predefined transports appear.

    The Transport Map changes to accommodate the IFS transport.
    The following shows the To Enterprise section of the Transport Map window when an IFS transport is selected.
Parameter descriptions
Parameter name Description
WSDL Address Required.
You can specify the fully qualified WSDL HTTP or HTTPS Web address or the fully qualified file path and file name that contains the WSDL.
Important: If you are specifying a file that contains the WSDL, that file must be available in the staging file system (the Staging Browser tab) on the node that contains the IFS transport map.
After you add the address, you can click Query to automatically add the URL from the WSDL to the Http URL box and populate the Operation parameter.
Http URL Required. This is the end point address to send the SOAP requests. The address that appears in the Http URL box is populated from the WSDL.
If you click Query, the address is automatically added to the Http URL box.
Note that the Http URL box remains editable and can be manually changed.
Operation Required. The Operation parameter contains a list of one or more operations defined in the WSDL.
Related topics

Using Query

WSDL maxOccurs attribute considerations

Using Map Parms

Validating and saving the transport map

Example trigger with IFS transport map