Using Map Parms
Once the operation parameters are exposed and the appropriate numbers for Rows In and Rows Out are specified where applicable, you can use the Map Parms button to automatically generate logical variables (both input and output) and map them to WSDL operation parameters.
Variable mapping
recommendation: When creating
an IFS transport map, it is highly
recommended that you accept the default
mapping of XML schema types to data
types when using Map
Parms. Incorrectly changing the type of the logical variables can result in truncation, rounding, and errors. The Transaction Server might also generate erroneous SOAP requests with values not matching the XML schema type. |
Rows In and Rows Out are
used to specify the maximum array size. The actual runtime
size of the array does not have to match the array size
specified in Rows In or Rows
Out. However, if the runtime array contains more
rows than specified, then only the number of rows in
Rows In and Rows Out are
processed, other rows are discarded.
When creating variables to be associated with table columns, it is important that the variable Count column matches the Rows In or Rows Out numbers. This is automatically done when using Map Parms.
If there is a need to change the type or the name of
logical variables, they can be adjusted as appropriate. You
do not have to use Map Parms as you can
manually create each variable.
Elements identified as DATETIME from
the WSDL definition have an expected
format of: YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MM:SS For example: 2011-12-27T16:00:00 |
The mapping from the Transaction Server data types to XML schema types is different based on the direction of the In or Out parameter.
- From the Transaction Server to Web services — The recommended mapping is to use the Transaction Server timestamp data type to XML schema dateTime, date and time types.
- From Web services to the Transaction Server — The recommended mapping is from XML schema date and dateTime to the Transaction Server timestamp data type, but XML schema time type to the Transaction Server string data type.
No tag versus tag with no value in SOAP request
If a tag in the XML SOAP request is not needed and should not be sent, then that tag should not be mapped to a logical variable. This only applies to input parameters.
If a tag needs to be sent, but with no value associated with it; for example, <tag></tag>, then use the $NULL macro. This only applies to input parameters.
Related topics
Creating the IFS transport map