Set Alert

Use the Set Alert action to create a textual and graphical alert notification for the node. You can also use the Set Alert action to clear alert notifications.

In addition to the user defined alerts created with the Set Alert action, the system will also set and clear system level alerts.

When an alert is set, it is displayed on the right pane of the main window for the node as follows:

Notice the alert severity level graphic also appears on the left pane on the node icon. When multiple alerts are set at the same time, the icon for the highest level alert is displayed on the node icon. Error is the highest level and Debug is the lowest level.
In the example below, the Error level alert is the highest level and its icon is displayed in the left pane on the node icon.

Creating an alert

The Set Alert action is available from the Trigger window as follows:

  1. From the Actions tab, click Add.
    The New Action window appears.

  2. Expand Internal, select Set Alert, and then click Add.
    The right pane changes to accommodate a Set Alert action.

    The Status parameter determines whether or not the Message parameter becomes available.

Property descriptions

This section describes the parameters that are available for Set Alert.

Parameter Description
Key Required. A compound string used to create a key that identifies the alert for the node.
Status The following are the severity levels you can set for the alert:
  • Clear Status — The alert indicated by the Key parameter is removed from the node.
  • Error — The alert will display an error icon.
  • Warning — The alert will display a warning icon.
  • Info — The alert will display an info icon.
  • Debug — The alert will display a debug icon.
  • Dynamic — The status value will be taken from the Status row of the Input tab. The following shows the Set Alert properties when Dynamic is selected:

    The Status Options parameter becomes available and provides a numeric value for each severity level. Use one of the values for the value within the Status variable.
    The Input tab provides a Status variable where you can set either a constant (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), or a device variable with a value of 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4).
Component Required. A compound string used to identify a component that can be used to group alerts into categories for the node. With each $ (variable) name you type, a corresponding row is added to the Input tab.
Required. For all Status values (other than Clear Status), a compound string used to define the alert message that will be displayed with the alert.

Input tab

The following shows an Input tab when Dynamic is selected as the Status.

For this example, the Input tab has the values in the Value column set.

The following describes the rows and column values on the Input tab for Set Alert.

Parameter Description
Key The compound string for the key.
Component The compound string for the component.
When the Status parameter is set to Dynamic, the Status input row is available to set the value from a variable.
The compound string for the alert message. For all Status values (other than Clear Status), a compound string used to define the alert message that will be displayed with the alert.
Related topics

Using compound strings

Alert Management