
A SubTrigger event trigger executes when referenced in an Execute SubTrigger action from another trigger. The calling trigger must be executing on the same node.

A subtrigger event trigger can have input variables passed to it and can output variables back to the calling trigger.
The calling trigger defines in the Execute SubTrigger action whether it will wait for the subtrigger to complete its execution before continuing to its next action.

If multiple triggers can execute the subtrigger at the same time, make sure the Max In Progress setting in the subtrigger is defined to allow the multiple concurrent instances of the subtrigger. For more information, see Trigger settings.

Defining a subtrigger event trigger

To define a subtrigger event trigger, follow these steps:

  1. From the Workbench left pane, expand the node where you want to define the subtrigger event trigger.
  2. Select the Project icon to display the Projects window, right-click a specific project tab to display its pop-up menu, and then select New.
    You also can select the New button at the bottom of the Projects window when a specific project tab has already been selected.
  3. The new Trigger window appears.
    Name the trigger. The trigger name can be up to 64 characters and include letters, numbers, and the underscore character. Spaces are allowed.
  4. From the Event tab, select the Trigger Event Type down-arrow, and then select SubTrigger.

    The Event tab becomes active with parameters that accommodate the subtrigger event.
Parameter Description
Input Variables Select the Configure... button to display the Variables window and add the variables that will be the input variables for the subtrigger event trigger.
The variables can be single scalar variables or arrays.
These input variables will be mapped on the input tab of the Execute SubTrigger action when this subtrigger is referenced as the subtrigger to execute.
They also will be available to the subtrigger event trigger as input event variables.
Output Variables Select the Configure... button to display the Variables window and add the variables that will be the output variables for the subtrigger event trigger.
The variables can be single scalar variables or arrays.
These output variables will be mapped on the output tab of the Execute SubTrigger action when this subtrigger is referenced as the subtrigger to execute.
They also will be available to the subtrigger event trigger as output event variables.

Subtrigger event type trigger event variables

The input event variables available to a subtrigger event trigger are:

Event variable Data type Description
Input variables The data type of the configured input variable Each subtrigger input variable will be available as an input event variable in the subtrigger event trigger. These input event variables can be used as the source variable in the trigger's actions.
Parent Project Name STRING The name of the project where the trigger resides that "called" the subtrigger.
Parent Trigger Name STRING The name of the trigger that "called" the subtrigger

The output event variables available to a subtrigger event trigger are:

Event variable Data type Description
Output variables The data type of the configured output variable Each subtrigger output variable will be available as an output event variable in the subtrigger event trigger. These output event variables can be used as the destination variable in the trigger's actions.
Related Topics

Execute SubTrigger
