Step 3 - Defining a trigger to insert data in a database table
This section describes the steps to define and start a trigger that that uses the Transaction action to insert data into a database server table.
You can define a trigger (your application logic) to execute at a known time of day or at a periodic frequency. This type of trigger is a schedule event type trigger.
It is assumed that the Workbench is started and you have logged on.
Example project
This section describes the steps to define a project, which will be where the trigger is defined.
A project is a container item that is used to organize and control triggers.
Follow these steps to create a project.
- From the Workbench left pane, expand the node where
you want to define the project.
- On the Projects icon, right-click
to display its pop-up menu.
- Select New.
The Create Project window appears. - Enter AcmeProducts_900 as the name
for the project, and then select
A project name can be up to 32 characters in length and can include letters, numbers, and the underscore character. Spaces are allowed.
The name and new icon is added under the Projects icon (on the Workbench left pane).
You are now ready to create the trigger.
Example schedule trigger
To define a schedule trigger, follow these
- From the Workbench left pane, expand the node where
you want to define the trigger.
- Select the Projects icon, and then
from the right hand pane Projects tab,
double click our example project
The AcmeProducts_900 tab appears as the active tab for the right hand pane.
For this example, the tab is empty. However, typically a project tab contains a list of triggers that belong to the project. - From the bottom of the project tab, select the
New button.
The Trigger window appears. - In the Name parameter, enter
MyFirstTrigger as the name of the
trigger. A trigger name can be up to 64 characters and
include letters, numbers, and the underscore character.
Spaces are allowed.
- From the Trigger Event Type drop
down-list, click Schedule.
The Event tab becomes active with input parameters for the default Periodic time of day option. - From the Frequency drop-down list,
accept Periodic as the time of day
option you want to use. The Periodic
option sets a trigger to execute continuously at
specific millisecond intervals.
- Under Occurrence, in the
Period (milliseconds) parameter, enter
a value of 5000. This will set the trigger to execute
every 5000 milliseconds, or every 5 seconds.
- Select the Settings tab.
- In the Max in Progress box, accept
the default value. The default indicates that the
trigger must complete its processing before another
instance of the trigger is allowed to be
- In the Max Exec Time (ms)
parameter, enter a value in milliseconds for the
maximum execution time for the trigger. If the trigger
exceeds this value, a warning message is logged in the
Exceptions Log (even though Reporting
might be set to Off). for this example, enter 10000 (10
- Leave the Queue Size parameter
- From the Reporting drop-down list
accept the default value of Off. A value of off
indicates that a trigger report, with the details of
the trigger and its actions at execution time, is not
generated or written to the Reports Log.
- The Editor mode drop-down list
provides the way you create and edit actions for the
List lets you manually select an action from a list. For each possible output of an action, you select a route.
Canvas lets you drag and then drop an action on a drawing area. For each possible output of an action, you draw connectors between actions by dragging the mouse.
User preference remembers the option you used when editing the trigger.
For this example, List mode was selected and is used for the remaining steps.
Adding the Transaction action
The next step is to select an action for the trigger. This will be a Transaction action that references the transport map that you created in Step 2 - Defining the database insert transport map (MyFirstTransportMap).
- From the bottom of the New Trigger window, under
the Actions pane, select
The New Action window appears. - Expand Enterprise Communication,
select Transaction, and then select
The right pane changes to accommodate the Transaction action. - Use the Transport Map drop-down list to select
The Input tab becomes populated with the names of the map variables from MyFirstTransportMap. - Notice the names log1, log2, and so forth. These are the map variables you defined when the transport map was defined.
For this example, the next step is to associate device variables with the logical names listed in the table.
Associating device variables with map variables
Follow these steps to associate the device variables to
the logical names listed.
- From the Input tab, select the
right side of the Value column for the
log1 variable.
A list of device variables, macros, constants, trigger variables and event variables appears.
For this example, a device named Local CPU 1 and its device variables are used.
You will associate a device variable with the log1 variable in the row. - Expand Local CPU 1, and then the
expand the D to display a list of data
registers for that device.
- Under D, expand [ 0 - 999 ], and
then select [8] as the D data register for the
log1 variable.
The log1 variable will be assigned the PLC's device variable's data value at runtime.
Note that the data will be treated as an INT2 when it is read from the PLC and also as an INT2 when it is delivered to its destination. - Repeat steps 1 through 4 for log2,
log3, and log4,
applying the appropriate numeric values for the
The Input tab will be similar to the following:
For the log5 variable, you will assign $$EVENT_TIME which is a trigger macro. The macro will provide the time that the trigger started execution. - From the Input tab, select the
right side of the Value column for the
log5 variable.
A list of variables appears. - Expand Macros, and then select the
The completed Input tab on the Transaction action will look similar to this:
Each time the trigger executes, the deice variable and trigger variable data is inserted into the Table01C table.PLC device variable
Database table column
Local CPU 1.D [8]
Local CPU 1.D [9]
Local CPU 1.D [14]
Local CPU 1.D [19]
The trigger action also has an Output tab that will contain the resultStatus and resultCount output variables.
When the trigger executes, the resultStatus variable will contain a code indicating whether or not the transaction completed successfully. A zero indicates success. A non zero value translates to the error code returned either by the Transaction Server or by the database vendor. The resultCount is a value returned that indicates the number of rows affected in the database. - Select the Routing tab.
On Result parameters:
Success - This is the action to take upon a successful completion of the action.
Failure - This is the action to take upon a failure completion of the action.
Store and Forward - This is the action to perform if the result of the Transaction action was the writing of the transaction data to a store and forward queue. The transport associated with the Transaction action's transport map, must have store and forward capabilities and that capability must be enabled.
When using the Canvas Editor, the Transaction action will have an output port (route) for the Store and Forward result.
For this example, leave Success and Store and Forward set to Next, and set Failure to ENDERR. - The trigger is completed, click
- A message will tell you that the trigger definition
was validated. Select OK.
- Click Save.
The new trigger will be added to node and displayed on the project's tab..
The project tab provides a table format with columns that provide status such as the number of triggers that have successfully completed execution. Typically, you will use the values in the project tab during run time. The project tab also provides a pop-up menu that you can use to start and stop a trigger.
Using the pop-up menu allows you to perform many tasks including creating a new trigger, editing or deleting an existing trigger, and generating a trigger report.
The next step is to start the project and trigger. Go to Step 4 - Starting the trigger to insert data.