
The app.update service is used to update an existing application token or fields associated to the token.

Requires Org-Admin rights.

TR50 Request

  "put": {
    "command": "app.update",
    "params": {
      "name": "myname",
      "desc": "My application description",
      "token": "qwertyasdf1234567890zxcvb",
      "autoRegThingDefId": "",
      "autoRegTags": ["", ""],
      "autoRegSecTags": ["", ""],
      "roles": ["", ""],
      "isSuperAdmin": false,
      "isSuperOps": false,
      "isOrgAdmin": false,
      "license": ""

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
id String Yes

The object id for the application.

id is required only when changing the name of the application

name String Yes The name of the application token.
desc String The description.
token String The token string. The token must meet the following complexity requirements:
  • Minimum 16 characters.
  • Must contain at least one capital letter (A-Z).
  • Must contain at least one lower case letter (a-z).
  • Must contain at least one digit (0-9).

The token is optional and will be automatically generated, if none is specified.

autoRegThingDefId String
autoRegTags Array
autoRegSecTags Array
roles Array The roles granted to the application during execution.
isSuperAdmin Boolean If the application should run with SuperAdmin permissions.
isSuperOps Boolean If the application should run with SuperOps permissions.
isOrgAdmin Boolean If the application should run with Org-Admin permissions.
license String
unset Array   An array of fields to unset. All optional parameters are allowed to be unset.
restrictAccessToSelf Boolean   Prevent applications and things using this app token from accessing any topic space other than for itself. Does not apply to applications granted Org-Admin permissions.

TR50 Response

If the command is sent successfully a success message is returned. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

  "put": {
    "success": true