
The cdp.connection.find command is used to find and return a connection.

TR50 Request

  "cmd" : {
    "command": "cdp.connection.find",
    "params": {
      "id": "5592d0c4fde00053074e0107"

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
id String Yes* The identifier of the connection.
thingId String The identifier of the thing that the connection is related to.
thingKey String The identifier of the thing that the connection is related to.
ICCID String ICCID of the connection.
imsi String IMSI of the connection.
imei String IMEI of the connection.
esn String ESN of the connection.
meid String MEID of the connection.
msisdn String MSISDN of the connection.
terminalId String The Terminal ID of the connection.
*One of the above parameters is required to identify the connection.

If multiple identifiers are specified, the command will use the identifier with the highest precedence and ignore the others. The order of precedence used to locate a connection is: id, thingId, thingKey, iccid, imsi, imei, esn, meid, msisdn, and terminalId.

TR50 Response

If the command is sent successfully a success message and the connection is returned. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

  "cmd": {
    "success": true,
    "params": {
      "id": "58c213fdbafd035684783f65",
      "orgId": "52fbed495d80f1091b00000f",
      "ownerOrgId": "52fbed495d80f1091b00000f",
      "permission": "rw",
      "configId": "5640fdb5b2157c7d917fd71b",
      "identity": "ICCID: 89014103277055991512",
      "iccid": "89014103277055991512",
      "carrier": "AT&T",
      "terminalId": "B0129DB1",
      "imsi": "310410705599151",
      "imei": "356144040370849",
      "msisdn": "5886392515",
      "ratePlan": "50MB Evaluation Plan",
      "ratePlanId": 3438,
      "status": "activated",
      "dateAdded": "2014-08-25T10:49:24Z",
      "dateModified": "2016-08-09T12:33:15Z",
      "estimatedMonthData": 16.763265609741,
      "usageMonthData": 14.959177017212,
      "apn": "",
      "inSession": true,
      "ipAddress": "",
      "session": {
        "dataMO": 22675813,
        "dataMT": 19995596,
        "dateStart": "2019-03-29T12:25:33.06Z",
        "ipAddress": ""
      "ggsnMccMnc": "310410",
      "ggsnCountry": "United States",
      "ggsnNetwork": "AT&T Wireless Inc.",
      "sgsnMccMnc": "310410",
      "sgsnCountry": "United States",
      "sgsnNetwork": "AT&T Wireless Inc.",
      "radioAccessTech": "UTRAN",
      "locLat": 26.39525,
      "locLng": -80.11353,
      "locAddress": {
        "streetNumber": "",
        "street": "5300 Broken Sound Blvd",
        "city": "Boca Raton",
        "state": "FL",
        "zipCode": "33487",
        "country": "US"
      "locFixType": "network",
      "customer": "ILSTECH",
      "hasDataUsage": true,
      "cdp": {
        "deviceType": "SIM-2FF",
        "contractId": 47312,
        "networkId": 601,
        "networkCode": "AT:3G:DAT",
        "id1": "5886392515",
        "ratePlanCode": "ATEV50MB",
        "regStatus": "Activated",
        "created": "2014-08-25T10:49:24",
        "updated": "2017-08-09T12:33:15",
        "custom1": "Option CloudGate"
        "switchEnabled": true,
        "remoteAtEnabled": true,
        "tags": [
      "lastSync": {
        "general": "2019-03-29T07:10:14.01Z",
        "session": "2019-03-29T15:14:17.059Z",
        "location": "2019-03-29T14:50:36.272Z",
        "dataUsage": "2019-03-29T07:09:28.536Z"
        "smsUsage": "2019-03-29T14:33:40.791Z"
      "createdOn": "2017-03-10T02:48:29.1Z"
      "updatedBy": "",
      "updatedOn": "2019-02-27T11:06:32.758-04:00",

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
id String The id of the Connection.
orgId String The current organization id
ownerOrgId String If the Connection is shared, then the ownerOrgid displays the id of the organization to which it belongs to. If a Connection is not shared then the orgid and the ownerOrgid are the same. For more information on sharing a Connection, see Sharing a Connection
permission String The permissions for the connection in the current organization.
configId String The CDP configuration id of the Connection.
configName String The CDP configuration name associated with the Connection.
configServices Object A collection of services configured per connection (the service types are: data, sms, voice).
identity String Displays a Connection identifier along with the value. For example: ICCID: 8901271224212337421, MEID: 91A1B9B1000000, ID: 53237c1afe2a110ab4deacf7
iccid String The ICCID value of the Connection.
imsi String The IMSI value of the Connection.
esn String The ESN value of the Connection.
imei String The IMEI value of the Connection.
meid String The MEID value of the Connection.
msisdn String The MSISDN value of the Connection.
carrier String The carrier of the Connection.
terminalId String The Terminal ID of the Connection.
isRoaming Boolean If the Connection is roaming or not.
ratePlan String The rate plan used by the Connection.
ratePlanId String The rate plan id used by the Connection.
status String The status of the Connection.
inSession Boolean If the connection is in session.
session Object A collection of current session information. For more information on session, see the Session Information table below.
ipAddress String The IP address of the Connection.
dateActivated String Connection activated date.
dateAdded String Connection added date.
dateModified String Connection last modified date.
dateMissing String Connection missed date. A Connection is marked as missing if it is not found during the ongoing syncing process.
usageMonthData Float The month to date data used.
usageMonthSms Float The month to date SMS used.
usageMonthVoice Float The month to date voice used.
estimatedMonthData Float The estimated amount of data to be used, month to date.
hasDataUsage Boolean Appears only when the Connection has Data records.
hasSmsUsage Boolean Appears only when the Connection has SMS records.
hasVoiceUsage Boolean Appears only when the Connection has Data records.
custom1-4 String The custom1, custom2, custom3 and custom4 fields represent optional values assigned to the connection.
carrierCustom1-4 String The carrierCustom1, carrierCustom2, carrierCustom3 and carrierCustom4 fields represent optional values assigned by the carrier to the Connection.
customer String The customer associated with this Connection.
apn String Access point name.
ggsnMccMnc String Gateway GPRS Support Node MCC/MNC value.
ggsnCountry String Gateway GPRS Support Node country.
ggsnNetwork String Gateway GPRS Support Node network.
sgsnMccMnc String Serving GPRS Support Node MCC/MNC value.
sgsnCountry String Serving GPRS Support Node country.
sgsnNetwork String Serving GPRS Support Node network.
radioAccessTech String The technology used to connect to the connection (WiFi, 4G, 5G, LTE).
locLat Float Latitude of the Connection.
locLng Float Longitude of the Connection.
locAddress Object Address of the Connection.
locFixType String Fix type of the Connection.
cdp Object A collection of carrier specific information. Varies by carrier.
switchEnabled Boolean Appears only when the Connection supports Switch system.
remoteAtEnabled Boolean Appears only when the Connection supports Remote AT commands.
lastSync Object A collection of timestamps of when various elements in the connection were last synced. For more information on Last Sync, see the Last Sync table below.
tags Array Tags of the Connection.
secTags Array Security tags of the Connection.
billingPlanId String Billing plan id.
billingPlanCode String Billing plan code.
vasPackageId String VAS package id.
vasPackageCode String VAS package code.
createdOn String Timestamp of when the Connection got created.
updatedBy String The user that last updated this Connection.
updateOn String The date when the last update occurred.

Session Information

Name Type Description
dataMO Float Mobile originated data.
dataMT Float Mobile terminated data.
dateStart String Timestamp of the session start.
dateUpdated String Timestamp of the session update.
dateEnd String Timestamp of the session end.
ipAddress String IP address of the current session.
terminateCause String The cause of the Termination.

Last Sync

Name Type Description
session String Last sync date/time of the session.
location String Last sync date/time of the location.
dataUsage String Last sync date/time of the data usage.
smsUsage String Last sync date/time of the SMS usage.
voiceUsage String Last sync date/time of the voice usage.

configServices Object

Name Type Description
Options Array An array of the service type configuration options.

Options Array

Name Type Description
name String Status of the option.
value Integer Value of the option.
contract Array An array of integers of the value settings that are available by the contract.