
The property.current command is used to retrieve the value of a property for a given timestamp. If no timestamp is specified then it outputs the current value. For more information about properties see Understanding properties.

TR50 Request

  "cmd": {
    "command": "property.current",
    "params": {
      "thingKey": "mything",
      "key": "myprop",
      "ts": "2018-06-29T19:00:07Z"

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
thingKey String Yes* The thing key.
thingid String Id of the thing
esn String ESN of the connection.
iccid String ICCID of the connection.
imei String IMEI of the connection.
imsi String IMSI of the connection.
meid String MEID of the connection.
msisdn String MSISDN of the connection.
*One of the above parameters is required to identify the thing. If omitted, the thingKey associated with your session will be used.
key String Yes The key for the property that you wish to retrieve.
ts Timestamp   If specified, property.current will return the value at or immediately preceding the specified timestamp.

If the command is sent successfully a success message and the property value are returned. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

TR50 Response
  "cmd": {
    "success": true,
    "params": {
      "value": 7,
      "ts": "2018-06-29T18:45:38.748Z",

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
value Float The current value for the requested property.
ts String Timestamp of the published value
corrId String The correlation identifier associated with the property.


// basic API
int tr50_property_current(void *tr50, const char *prop_key, double *value);
// extended API
int tr50_property_current_ex(void *tr50, const char *prop_key, double *value, void* optional_params, void** optional_reply, char** error_msg);


// Synchronous
int current(String thingKey, String propKey, Object response);
// Asynchronous
int current(String thingKey, String propKey, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, Object response); 

Response Objects:  StringReplyDwOpenResponse, DwOpenPropertyCurrent


mixed TR50httpWorker::propertyCurrent($thingKey, $key);