
The thing.attr.unset command removes an attribute value from a thing.

TR50 Request
  "cmd": {
    "command": "thing.attr.unset",
    "params": {
      "thingKey": "mything",
      "key": "boardid"

Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
thingId String Yes* Identifies the thing by id to which the attribute is to be associated.
thingKey String Identifies the thing by key to which the attribute is to be associated.
esn String ESN of the thing.
iccid String ICCID of the thing.
imei String IMEI of the thing.
imsi String IMSI of the thing.
meid String MEID of the thing.
*One of the above parameters is required to identify the thing. If omitted, the thingKey associated with your session will be used.
key String Yes The key for the attribute that you want to unset
corrId String   A correlation ID that can be used when querying to find related data objects.

If the command is sent successfully a success message is returned. Otherwise, an error and error message will be returned.

TR50 Response
  "cmd": {
    "success": true


// basic API
int tr50_thing_attr_unset(void *tr50, const char *key);
// extended API
int tr50_thing_attr_unset_ex(void *tr50, const char *key, void* optional_params, void** optional_reply, char** error_msg);


// Synchronous
int attributeUnset(String thingKey, String attrKey, Object response);
// Asynchronous
int attributeUnset(String thingKey, String attrKey, DwOpenReceiveActionListener recv, Object response); 

Response Objects:  StringReplyDwOpenResponse