Editing a user

To edit a user's profile, for example, to change the role of a user or update the information of a user, do the following:

  1. Click the  (cog menu) >> Administration on the top right corner of the Management Portal
    The Administration screen appears
  2. Under the ACCESS group, click on the Users.
    The Users screen appears. The Profiles tab displays the members of the current organization.
  3. To edit a user's profile, click on the corresponding view button  of a User you want to edit.
  4. Edit/Update the fields

    It is possible to update the following:
    1. Email address
    2. Personal details
    3. Change the Roles
    4. Add/Remove Tags. For more information on Tags, see Using Tags
    5. Edit Disablements, a permission configuration that can restrict an user from using certain commands or entire services.
    6. Add/Remove Control Tags. For more information on Control Tags, see Using Control Tags
  5. After modifying the fields, click Update to save the changes

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